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A member registered Mar 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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you arent good at this LOL

uhhh, youre embarrassing

so you want to make a new problem?????

OKAY first of all you made the situation and made a fight already, second of all YEAH the NPC is just an NPC but YOU did not try understanding what you cannot understand and stay AT YOUR OWN SELFISH MIND! Thats what david was trying to talk about. You can't stop by just saying all of those thinking "I'm done with this game lmao" It doesn't matter if you're over the game already, we are talking about something else. Well maybe you cant handle the responses and dislikes but make a different excuse? Bro just apologize to them you're the one making it worse. You're literally doing the "acting without thinking". This is why you go through these shit. "DuMbAsS"

we leading this to the dms fr

ur word got short, bet you wanted to say more

(1 edit)

(wow ure so graet with wordso mg and yes i did it for thse stuffs llol)

it just upsets me sooo much that these people wont even bother thinking the simple thing, " what about their feelings ? " LIKE OKAY THEYRE HURT BUT OTHERS ARE HURT TOO

yes they do have rightss to think of themselves first but, like, cmon they dont have to pull it out like that and make others look bad

the story showed that the mc gave gifts to forget the problems which made the ex upset, then tododeku or smt said "I mean I tried being the most loving person to her but she just kept fucking talking shit about the nice things ive gave her. Like holy shit- she's the most rotten and spoiled N.P.C ever." like they made the ex look bad and them being thoughtful WHICH IS VERY WROOONGGG. theyre playing like the victim like u are not.

uhhh how now??

they really tried making you look dumb but failed halfway and embarrassed themselves //

UHH, FORREAL?? like its so selfish of them to say that smh, why would they insult like that after just ignoring the NPC's thoughts?? i bet theyre a big problem on their relationship too smhhhhhhhh