Most likely as you get gold which weights a lot.
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Thanks again!
Basically each episode adds new content to the game. I am a single person and developing such large expansion needs years to finalize. So I decided to release content in episodes. It still is one main campaign but at certain points you get a notification that new content might be added to the area you are about to go.
Hi Bob,
thanks for the nice feedback. What exactly is happening when you try to use the fullscreen option? Is it disabled? Is it just not doing anything?
I will look into it but I need to know the faulty behavior. In general this just works. But maybe it is related to your high resolution.
Best regards, Pyrdacor
Hi wenn du die Dateien von hier runtergeladen hast, kann ich dir versichern, dass da kein Virus enthalten ist. Manchmal verwechseln die Virenscanner normale Programme mit Viren. Vermutlich weil der Patcher Dateien aus dem Internet runterlädt, speichert und sogar ausführt. Aber das lässt sich bei einem Patcher halt nicht vermeiden.
Wenn du dem ganzen nicht traust sollte das Spiel auch ohne den Patcher laufen. Du musst dann halt manuell aktualisieren von Zeit zu Zeit.
Viele Grüße Pyrdacor is not a website but the project name. Please go to where the project is developed.
Am einfachsten kann ich dir wahrscheinlich über Discord helfen:
Die sind mit Sicherheit noch da. Wahrscheinlich findet das Spiel sie nur nicht.
Welches Betriebssystem nutzt du? Mach auf jeden Fall mal ein Backup vom Saves Ordner falls der da ist.
Sind alle Speicherslots weg oder nur die ab dem 11. Slot?
Also eigentlich habe ich keinen Code verändert, der was mit den Spielständen macht. Dass die durch das Update fehlen ist merkwürdig. Bislang hat das noch niemand sonst berichtet.
Kann es sein, dass eine Antiviren-Software deine Spielstände in Quarantäne gepackt hat oder sowas?
Hi. Thank you for your nice feedback. I am glad you like it.
The original is the same game as on the Amiga. With only some Bugfixes. The advanced version is an extension of the original game made by me. It still is the same game but there are additional new dungeons, quests, monsters, items, NPCs and even a new animal party member and some new game features like spell and monster elements. For example fire monsters are immune to fire spells but get increased damage from ice spells.
Please note that the original game is from 1993 and I ported and improved it. So some ingame decisions were not done by me and I can’t answer your question without guessing. If I have to guess, I would say because different professions are stronger than others. The warrior gets levels very slow but will be a machine in end game. Or maybe the designers thought that mastering as a warrior is harder than being a skilled adventurer. I can’t tell you for sure.
The values however should fit. But I understand the confusion. The tooltip is not accurate and I will fix this in the next release.
The real increase value is a random value between half the displayed value and the displayed value. So in your example you will get 5 to 10 points of LP for each level up. For SP and SLP your intelligence will also add a small bonus (INT divided by 25 to be precise).
As I said I will rework the tooltip to add this information. Thanks for reporting. ;)