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A member registered Sep 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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The game is very nice but at the start of level 3 there seems to be no platform 8/10

This game was really nice to play from the mechanics all the way to the trippy shit. 11/10

There was no second level in this, and it wasnt that good of a game 4/10

The game was basic, it had no background and it was hard to see where you were going. 5/10

The game was very nice, however it was hard to move at certain points 7/10

This game was really nice but was still simple nonetheless, could've been better 6/10

This game was really nice, it looks like a really cute game but in the end it gives off unsettling vibes. 9/10

The game was good, it had good sprites, good animations and everything you would want in a good game but it lacked music and enemies, 8/10

This game was very basic but cool, 7/10

The art was very well made, and overall I enjoyed this game alot, 10/10

This game was very nice and well made, 8/10

This game was very cool yet simple, 7/10

This game was very simple and well made, 7/10

This game was very nice, but the enemy just floats towards you and its kinda hard to get around em, 8/10

This game was very cool, 7/10

This game was kinda nice, I enjoyed it especially with the lava mechanics, pretty cool game, 8/10

The game had very cute sprites but was too short in my opinion, 6/10

The game was really cool to play, kinda had a mix of Mega Man and Mario, really cool game, 10/10

Leikurinn var mjög basic en samt smá erfiður, það voru frekar mörg platforms sem gerði þetta erfiðarða. 7/10

Þessi leikur var með mjögg góð sprites, en mér fannst leikurinn vera of auðveldur, hoppið var of hátt og maður gat bara labbað í gegnum þetta án þess að deyja 6/10

The Game was basic but cool, the music slaps tho 9/10

Frekar góður leikur en maður gat varla séð hvert maður myndi lenda á leiðinni niður af platformi 6/10

Mjög góður leikur, karakterinn er mjög krúttlegur 10/10

Frekar basic leikur en hann var samt góður nonetheless 7/10

Frekar góður leikur, mjög vel gerður og það var gaman að spila hann 10/10

Leikurinn er basic og auðveldur að klára, annað en það þá er hann góður leikur 7/10

Þessi leikur er frekar góður en gæti verið betra að stækka skjáinn 8/10

Þessi leikur en basic en basic á sínum hátt 8/10

Frekar basic leikur, sé enga enemies, en annað en það þá er leikurinn frekar góður 7/10

Mjög fallegur leikur, þetta er allt svo smooth og flott, ég naut þessum leiki frekar mikið 10/10

Þessi leikur er mjög skemmtilegur en hann gefur af Getting Over It vibes 8/10

Mjög skemmmtilegur leikur, frekar krúttlegur og bara mjög vel gerður 10/10

Flottur leikur, þetta er svo vel gert og gæti orðið að sínum eigin episode leiki einhvern tíman 10/10

She just wants to get some rest

Feel free to leave any reviews in the comments!

needs more enemies, kind of long, only 2 enemies, 1 enemy that no clips through reality, 1 that kinda moves too fast and 1 giant one that just stands still and vibes >:3