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A member registered Sep 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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The door opens by 5:30 to 12:00?
The opening ceremony (If I can call it that) starts by 6:30

I should make an FAQ page... I think its too late now (Its tomorrow and I have some stuff going on).
You can always contact me and I'll be more than happy to answer all your questions :D

I remember one or two made tracks in the previous jams.

But I'm not exactly sure about this jam since we have a bigger audience. In other words, you'd be on high demand XD

An interesting concept and execution of the theme "Lying". I like the basic mechanics that made the easy to play and a tad challenging. (I HECKING HATE THE WINDMILLS, btw)

An interesting concept and execution of the theme "Lying". I like the basic mechanics that made the easy to play and a tad challenging. (I HECKING HATE THE WINDMILLS, btw)

لمن هذه الفعالية؟

لمصممي الألعاب، المبرمجين، مصممي الأبعاد الثلاثية، الموسيقيين، الرِواة، أو لأي شخص مهتم أو لديه فضول بكيفية تطوير ألعاب الفيديو. وبما أنك تقرأ هذا الإعلان، فغالباً لك أيضاً!

ما هي المهارات التى أحتاجها في الفعالية؟

لا تحتاج إلى مهارة معينة للمشاركة في هذه الفعالية، في هي ليست معنية بالمحترفين على وجه الخصوص، لكنك ستكون إضافة ممتازة إذا كنت محترفاً.

توجد أدوار عديدة يمكنك الاختيار منها: كمبرمجٍ أو رسّامٍ أو مصممٍ أو موسيقارٍ أو مهندس صوتٍ أو راوٍ أو غيرها من الأدوار. فحتى إن لم تكن تعلم ماذا تريد أن تختار، فهذه فرصتك لتجرب شيئا لم تقم بتجربته مسبقاً. قد تجد نفسك مهتما بمهارة أو دور لم تدري عنه سابقا!

امتلاكك لمهارة مسبقاً ستساعدك بشكل كبير، حتى وإن لم تكون متخصصا بها.

لا داعي بأن تكون مبرمجاً ماهرا، يكفيك معرفة مبادئ C# أو Java لتستطيع تطوير الألعاب بمحرك Unity. لا داعي بأن تكون رسّاما ماهرا، فالكثير من الألعاب الناجحة صممت برسومات بسيطة. لا داعي بأن تكون موسيقيا أو عازفا ماهرا، يكفيك امتلاك مهارة الترتيب والبحث عن المؤثرات الصوتية. لا داعي بأن تكون روائيا محترفا، فإنتاج لعبة بقصّة بسيطة يفي بالغرض.

وهكذا… فلا داعي بأن تكون محترفا في أي من المهارات، جرب وقد تجد نفسك مهتما بمهارة لم تجربها من قبل دون أن تدري!

هل أنا مُقيدٌ بحزمة معينة من البرامج؟

لا، وفيما يلي قائمة مبدئية ببرامج يمكنك استخدامها:

هل يُمكنني إستخدام مشاريع مُسبقة البرمجة؟

لا، فالهدف من هذه الفعالية هو تعريفك بأساليب تطوير الألعاب تحت موضوع واحد. ولكن يمكنك استخدام أدوات وقوالب عامة تعينك على تطوير اللعبة دون استخدام ليس قوالب للعبة كاملة.

هل يجب عليّ المشاركة مع فريق؟

لا. بالحقيقة، نحن نشجًع قدومك ومشاركتك كفرد والإنضمام إلى فريق من الغرباء. فأحد الأهداف من هذه الفعالية هو الإختلاط والتعارف والتعاون مع أناسٍ تتشارك معهم حب ألعاب الفيديو.

هل هناك أي قوانين خاصة بالفعالية؟

بالطبع! هذه قائمة شاملة قوانين هذه الفعالية:

  • يجب على المشارك أن يكون متواجداً بالكويت فقط
  •  على الأيجب تواجد المُشارك بقاعة الفعالية
  • يجب على المشارك بقاعة الفعالية لعى الأقل باليوم الأول والثالث
  • يمكن للمسابق استخدام قوالب ورسومات مُسبقة التطوير، بشرط التأكد من حقوق الملكية
  • يمتلك المشارك جميع حقوق اللّعبة التي طورها خلال الفعالية، ويحق للمنسقين عرض واستخدام هذه الألعاب لغايات التسويق والترويج
  • يتم تكوين الفرق في اليوم الأول بعد طرح الأفكار
  • يمكن لأعضاء الفرق التنقل بين الفرق حتى موعد أقصاه تمام الساعة 19:00 من اليوم الثاني من الفعالية
  • الحد الأقصى لتكوين الفريق هو 3 أعضاء
  • في حال وجود مشاركين لم يتسنى لهم الانضمام إلى أحد الفرق، يتم تشكيل فريق فيما بينهم أو توزيعهم على فرق أخرى، أو إلغاء مشاركاتهم
  • يجب على جميع الألعاب إتباع موضوع اللعبة المُعلن عنه
  • سيتم الإعلان عن موضوع اللعبة في الموعد المذكور في الجدول أعلاه
  • يحق لمنظمي الفعالية رفض ألعاب، أفكار، أو حتى أعضاء من المشاركة للحفاظ على نجاح الفعالية
  • لمنظفي الفعالية الحق في طرد ومنع المشاركين في حالة التسبب بعرقلة نجاح الفعالية
GIF Game Jam community · Created a new topic FAQ
(1 edit)

Who is it for?

Game designers, programmers, artists, 3D modeler, musicians, story writers, Superman, Batman, the creepy-looking guy in that corner! Everyone! As long as you’re interested in making video games with a team of strangers! And since you’re reading this, most likely you too!

What skills do I need to participate?

This event is not meant for professionals. But if you are, it’ll be a wonderful addition, but it’s not necessary.

There are many roles you can play in game development; a programmer, artist, modeler, game designer, musician, sound engineer, story teller,  they’re just a lot! If you don’t know where you’d fit, don’t worry, you can try fill in a role you never tried before. Who knows, it might work for you (Speaking from previous events, it happened twice!)

That being said, it’ll help a lot having skills to utilize. You don’t have to be super good at them, just good enough is good enough.

You don’t have to be a super duper programmer, knowing C# and Java, for example, will be enough to know how to use Unity (Don’t worry, we’ll give you a hand!)

You don’t have to be a super duper artist. Believe me, you can do wonders with stick figures! Knowing how to trim pictures and resizing them in GIMP or Paint is so useful too!

You don’t have to be Beethoven or Van Halen. If you know how to do basic 8bit music or just trim and adjust sound effects, you’re good to go as that audio guy!

You don’t have to be Shakespeak to write a good story. Having a good idea and basic writing should be enough for a good and fun game made in a weekend!

See the pattern there? You don’t have to be super duper skilled and good at your skills. You might even discover a new hobby\skill you didn’t know you had before!

Am I limited to a set of software?

Not at all! You can use whatever software or tool you’re familiar with. However, please make sure that you have the appropriate rights to use these tools.

Here’s a list of software you could start with:

Can I use projects made before?

No, you can’t. One of this event’s purposes of this event is to make new video games following a specific theme. You can, however, you snippits and scripts that covers functions, not pre-made projects to be adjusted.

Do I have to bring my team?

Not at all! In fact, you’re encouraged not to arrive as a team to join a team of strangers. This event is to collaborate and build networks with people who want to make video games! So, no, you don’t have to form a team before joining.

Are there any special rules?

Of course there are, and here’s a list of rules in total:

  • Participants must be in Kuwait.
  • Participants must be physically in venue at least in the first and last day.
  • Participants must not use premade projects.
  • Participants may use premade scripts, snippits, and assets. However, participants must check with copyrights compatibility.
  • Participants have all the rights for their projects. However, GIF Game Jam has the right to market and advertise submitted projects.
  • Teams must be formed in first day of event, after ideas pitching.
  • Team members can change teams until second day, 19:00 (7pm).
  • A team can have three members at max.
  • Participants who can’t find a team will either team together, forced to enter other teams, or have their registration revoked.
  • All games must follow GIF Game Jam’s theme.
  • The theme will only be revealed as scheduled.
  • Organizers have the right to deny participants from participating in order to protect the event’s success.
  • Organizers have the right to reject games and projects ideas to protect the event’s success.
  • Organizers have the right to ban participants if they believe their participation is threatening the event’s success.

Ah, this is posted in the wrong game jam (Last years').

Any way, attending is mandatory. At least the first day for theme reveal, registration (Which I assume you already did), and team formation, and last day for game submission and demoing/presentations.

Whatever goes in the middle depends on your team. However, I highly encourage you being there for the experience, having someone to help in case you have any problems (Like, coding or project wise), networking and interacting.

Hello potato!

Hello everyone,

Do you have a question about the jam itself?

Well, this thread is here to answer them to our best!

Hello everyone!

Let's introduce ourselves here, and I'll start it with myself.

My name is Dherar, I'm a beginner Unity3D developer, I already have few silly games published on Android, working my way into making better and proper games.

My bad, I thought that was for features requests only, not blocks requests

I'd love to see streets. I'm sure you can utilize assets Kenney already made, like streets.

Probably a resize would be enough to have them imported.

I suggest a category for blocks request, so that we can request blocks hoping someone would make them happen.

I couldn't find a category that fits this post, so I posted it here.

Yes, we will most likely host Global Game Jam 2017's Kuwaiti Site!

Essentially, we will always encourage bringing a laptop for mobility, portability, and security reasons.

However, there's no real rule against bringing a PC. You'll have to figure out the logistics and installation, but it shouldn't be a problem after that.

In fact, you can keep it overnight throughout the event. We might even be able to secure you a corner for your setup. I'll have to personally confirm it, but we'll be locking the venue personally. So we'd keep an eye on your stuff. But don't hold us responsible of what happens to it. We're not going to punch it or try to hack it, or both, we just don't want to deal with your computer if something happened that's beyond our control.

Actually, yes.

I should!

Thanks for understanding :D

Alright, I'm next :D

My name is Dherar AlRashoud, I have an associate in Computer Engineering from Public Authority of Applied Education and Training, graduated in 2008~ish. As I explain myself to friends and strangers, I'm an adult in denial

I've been on and off trying several things for my own entertainment. Went all the way from web development, Arduino and electronics hacks, general things about networking, reverse engineering, and security, and now I'm experimenting game development.

I've been using Unity3D since 2014 maybe, give and take. I built few demos that I can share with you guys later on. And now I'm exploring the possibility of releasing a real game in different platforms.

Twitter/Facebook/Instagram: @Q8GEEK

Who's next?

The reason why we decided on having a limit on team members is for teams to choose their members carefully and to stop abuse of unbalanced teams and undistributed resources.

For example, if we don't limit members, a team could have 5 programmers, 2 designers, and end up doing a small game that could've been done with, lessay, two programmers. Which means 3 programmers could've joined other teams.

That, and we had a scenario in the last game jam where a team of 6 or 7 members (Can't remember correctly) failed to present their game because their lead programmer had 2 or 3 beginner programmers to teach them how to use Unity3D. Because he got busy and couldn't really stay for long, they couldn't finish a presentable demo of the game.

We don't want that to happen again, so we have to limit team members. However, if we find that 4 members weren't enough and there are requests from teams to raise the bar, the bar will rise.

I hope you understand the situation.

Thanks :D
I hope things work better than I hope for

Otakus are Otakus, they're interested in Q8CON because it satisfies their interest in multiple categories; playing competitive games, animes, and cosplaying.

Game Jam is totally different, it's focused on those who are interested in developing games.

It's a growing community. But I can only go so far if you guys don't help me grow it up!