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Quakehoof Games

A member registered Jun 10, 2021

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I don't quite understand?

having some trouble with the Slut Mode. It seems you only get one shot at fucking three dobermans, but when you get caught once, you can't fuck the same dobermans again and the alleyways don't work. Is that intentional?

True, I was never keen on time limits, but it's good to mix things up. Maybe as the main quests progresses, the city could get worse, as you suggested. Or I could find some happy medium: a really long slow burning timer, but certain quests can exacerbate or even temporarily halt the progression. 

Public bondage events? Like captured would be heroes? People in gibbets?  Damn right! I like the way you think~

That's ok, I dev stuff myself and I know one can't always have their whole wishlist in a nanosecond. Keep up the good work!

Like in say a 3rd person shooter, a camera that is always pointed at the character's back, one that is always pointed in the direction the player is looking.  Like world of warcraft. WASD turns the character but the camera turns with it.

True, but it's hard to rotate the camera when your mouse hand is... unavailable. I think a camera that moves with your movement would be a boon.

I wish I had more hand strength at the time to flesh out my April Fools bit.

the problem with turning into a vampire in the world of Sala's escape is it is very permanent. They don't call it damnation for nothing, BUT, I was thinking it is possible to 'mimic' vampiric properties artificially to some degree. I will attempt to impliment that at some point in the future (with the forest update) which is a way's off for now.

I don't think that'll be nessecary. I think I've found the plugin that was right under my nose this whole time.

I like this game very much and I'm eager to see all the more perverted ways that Karyn (that's the player character's name right? Sometimes I forget) gets bound and used.

I do have two suggestions:

1) I think it's a fair assumption that most of your players play this game "one handed" (I should know) I suggest implimenting one handed controls and a following camera. 

2) You should impliment an icon of some sort for the game's .exe I couldn't fid it without searching because all I saw was what I assumed was just a picture of the map. I made a super quick crude logo that I think is somewhat evocative of the game. You may use it if you wish.


Not yet, still chewing on the graphical gubbins

OH THAT GAME! That game inspired the game what inspired Sala's Escape!

which one is Airhman again? yes, you have to rescue your companions

No intention of adding those. Sorry.

"Status effects that change the appearance of the standing Sprites?"

For the player characters, yes. That is the current plan.

For enemy characters? I don't know how to do that yet.

You bet his feathered ass it will! try this one?

(1 edit)

that sounds like some kind of voodoo to me. I haven't done any actual coding for the game, it's all plugins. After my recent fiasco with my computer, I worry I'm too dumb to code.

I'll get on that today

as an addon to what?

OH him! Yeah, I'm in his discord, must've temporarily forgotten. Name sounded very familiar.

I can't find anything on this "lipucid"

"It ain't original, but it's true: I love blood!"

(2 edits)

I forgot to add a gameover to the graves... fuuuuuuuuuck though to be fair only one grave has the specific game over. Look for the grave of "Karen the know-it-all"

Edit:  "if you inspect the cage, you can find both party members in the cage (and outside!)" what did you mean by this?

There will be more to come, my friend. Stay tuned!

I didn't know it did that! I untouched that move from RPGmaker.

Ah, well, I'm finishing up the porny-bits and the lighting maps for the levels, and then I need to string the porny bits together with text. Then it's extensive testing and tweaking. I'm aiming for a Halloween Release Date for the base version. (The leader/combat update will bring some much needed male content with a sexy crow and a lot of bondage)

It's worth every cent. I hope my own RPGmaker game brings in as much success (even though I intend to release it for free, but that's not the point!)

(1 edit)

Okone other issue: the second hyena ambush is literally impossible if you used your healing items before (since losing to them is just a straight up game over.) the player should get a heads up or a healing item beforehand.

Are the npcs  in the first area supposed to be white silhouettes?

Absolutely love it. I love how multiple capture phases show up on the same monster. That is some straight up RPGmaker voodoo and I salute you.

I loved this game. True it was short, but seeing Mezz get hypno'd, tied up, and fucked was time well spent. I hope to see a lot more!

I moved the folder to my desktop and that seems to magically fix everything.

System Information


BIOS: A12 (type: UEFI)

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460  CPU @ 3.20GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 8108MB RAM

 Page File: 9861MB used, 8999MB available

DirectX Version: DirectX 12

 Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745

 Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Chip type: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745


windows 10

(1 edit)

I love this game, but I'm having problems with some soft crashes that nobody else seems to be having.

-Crashes when I put the black thong on in front of the ranger

-Crash after beating the green slime with the black thong on

-Crash after getting captured by the bandits

-Crash when I try to see the harness CG in the gallery

-crash when I'm put in the slime suit

By "crash" I mean the game freezes. No button responds except for the menu albeit delayed and even when it comes up I can't move anything.

Am I doing something wrong? I just wanna see a big sexy dragonborn bound and corrupted ;_;