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QueenCraft Studios

A member registered Dec 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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havnt played it yet, but i will soon and I cant wait to play it ^^. Also its looking pretty good ^^ Fangtastic job ^^

I really did enjoy this Demo ^^. Very nicely done. I cant wait til the full thing comes. The only thing i would tweak is the brightness down a tad not by much cause i felt i was walking back up. But other then that it was a good demo ^^ heres my video 

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I had A Blast playing the game :) You did amazing job. 

I had a blast playing this my friend XD
You Did A Very good job on this :) cant wait to see more from you
Here's my Video 

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This Game was fun :),  I really enjoyed it, I wish the game told me the trees had the healing items in it. But Overall really good game :)
cant wait for more :)

Here's my video >>>> 

your welcome  my friend, I cant wait for more :) Keep it my friend.  :)

I had Fun Playing this :). Got Scared by A Shadow XD nice work my friend :). Keep it up :) cant wait to see more my friend :)

I Really enjoyed this game :), you did amazing job :) Very good work XD The Puzzles were good  XD . Keep up the good work my friend :) Here's my video

Thank you so much :), i hope you enjoyed playing the game XD, yeah it was a challenge but i saw it through XD . Also i will keep making more fangtastic titles XD just you wait my friend :) anyways thank you for the kind words it truly means alot :)

Thank you So much for playing :) I appreciate it :). I hope enjoyed the game :). Stay Tuned for Part 2 Of Eva's Daily Game Dev Routine :)

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Aww thank you So much My friend I really Appreciate it  all the help u have Done to help and much more. I truly do Appreciate it XD , So thank you from the bottom of my heart :).  Im  really glad you enjoyed the game XD and yes  there will more Eva's Daily Game Dev Routine Soon. I already have an idea for part 2 XD so yeah XD  and i will look at the video now XD. but thank you for playing the game XD i really do appreciate it XD . i hope u had fun :). Yeah this is my very first game in Unreal and also its my very first game with some of my very first animations in it as well XD so thats neat XD . Hopefully our Mutual Friend will find that Ending :3.  Yeah I tried to make sure all the bugs were out before i released this XD . I will always keep going and make spooky games and  or Short Horror Games XD.  yes  i have come a very long way in my game dev journey and yea i still have alot to learn. But in time i will learn more stuff as i go :).  Yes indeed here's to many more Releases coming soon :). Once again thank you so much for everything Aaron i truly do appreciate it :) . Your the best my friend :)

I had a blast playing this Game as always :) Keep up the good work buddy :) Looking forward for the next chapter.

heres my video >>

I had a blast playing this game :) i really did enjoy it XD

I had fun playing this XD  good job i loved it XD keep up the good work. Cant wait too see more :)
Heres my video

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I had a Blast (Get it ) XD I loved Playing this game XD it was very fun XD and enjoyable XD keep up the good work XD also i really enjoyed the arcade machine too XD very nice. here's my video

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had so much fun

Playing the game XD  good job XD keep up the good work XD

Here's my video

really did enjoyed the game very nice job XD , i just wish there was checkpoints ( and i know the game said there wasnt) but still it was a good game and i loved it XD 

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i did enjoy the game, i had fun playing it, nice job cant wait to see what comes next 

Heres my video of the game its the second game very good job enjoyed it keep up the good work :)

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Heres my Video of the game, Its the First game in the video i really enjoyed the game :) keep up the good work 

i had fun playing the Game XD and i enjoyed every bit of it XD Heres my video

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I had fun playing this game XD, i really enjoyed it, Heres my video

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sorry i am late to the party but heres my playthrough of the game XD

I had fun playing it XD did enjoy it XD

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I really had fun with Game XD i did enjoy very Much XD . Keep up the good work XD As a side note it is possible to maybe have the option in maybe in another Cave of illusions games (if u guys do make  another) to Slap V in the face please XD  Joking but i had and did enjoy the game XD heres my video XD 

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i had so much fun with this game XD i got a huge laugh out of it XD  heres my video XD very good Game XD >>>  

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The Game was Very Scary and Fun to Play c; I enjoyed it very Much cx. The Blank Stare on The Ticketmaster gave me the creepys. 10/10 Here's The Link to My Video

thank u so much i am glad that u loved and enjoyed the game c;. That makes me happy to hear c; . I hope u enjoy more of my games coming soon. Working on Wrath of the vampire Queen Episode 2 Chapter 1 atm. So Stay Tuned :)

yes indeed c;

thank you speaking of which episode 2 the full graveyard update is releasing Tuesday c;

no thank you c; we will do it soon. after episode 3 and 4 launch to the public c; 

yes we do have plans to move episode 1 to mv :) not to mention Halloween special and the Christmas special as remasters :) we plan to do this after bonus episode 1 and 2 :) . If u have any further questions you only need to ask :)

sure what's up :)