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A member registered Dec 19, 2022

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It's quite short, not as spooky as I'd hope, but it wasn't bad. It needs a little something. There's definitely potential here, though. Keep at it!

I did it!!! I completed the game, and I am both happy and somewhat sad at the same time... Thank you so much for this extraordinary game, I had such a great time, frustration and all. I hope it gets all the recognition and success it deserves and I hope to see many more exceptional titles from you, good sir. Well 👏🏽 f***ing 👏🏽 done!!!👏🏽

I really like your games!! Keep making more!! ❤

I had some troubles recording this video, but not with the game. The game is great and I love everything about it! Loved the shout-out to The Dunkening as well <3

It's a little bit on the short side, but I like it for what it is. Keep it up!

I did a part 3!! This has become my favourite series on my YouTube channel so far and I'm really enjoying it - even when it gets me frustrated XD. Thanks so much for making this 💙

I'm a big fan of this! I love the uniqueness of this. I'd love to see something longer using the same mechanic. Really good job! 

Part 2 done! I still suck, but I am very determined to beat this!

I am fascinated, interested and very scared. I had a lot of fun playing it, and I'm looking forward to continuing it. Great job with the scares! Love the sound design and the main menu music! I was a little bit confused about the controls and what exactly to do, but I chalk that up to my own stupidity. 

All in all, great job! Very fun game, and I pray I'll be able to beat it 😅

Ayo!!! This game was insane! I loved it, but hated it at the same time. The way it played with your emotions using audio -exceptional work! I am so looking forward to the next games in the series. Well done!!

Borb  is adorable and Borb will save us. Praise Borb! 🙌🏽

I really like the style and concept of this game. Jumpscares definitely got me, but I'm not exactly sure how they fit into the general story, or even what those liver-looking things were. The typing got a little tedious after a while, but it's an interesting concept. I'm a massive fan of how the game's intro synced up with the news jingle - 10/10 for that. And the voice acting, as well as the how the menu screen changes after the game is finished, are both very nice touches. 

Overall, very nice game. Well done!

This one hit really hard. That twist was so sudden and unexpected. But it got me feeling so many emotions. Truly an excellent game. Well done!
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I went back and did a part 2 because I just had to see all the endings. Like I said last time, not overly scary, but definitely highly entertaining. I love this game. 

This was good. At one stage I forgot I was trying to escape so that monsterman thingy caught me off guard. Overall, I liked it a lot. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. Keep it up!!

It's a good concept. Not overly scary, but the jumpscares are good. I like the environmental elements like the rustling in the cornfields, and the birds flying away from the gate at one point. I might go back to find the other endings at some point. Overall, I liked it.

I liked this a lot. Some solid scares in this one. Tim's dancing was the highlight, though! 😂😂

The game had a weird audio bug where even when I stood still, you could still hear my character's footsteps. It kinda ruined the experience for me. The very realistic knock got me, though... Had there been more similar things, I might've liked it more. The jumpscare at the end was also very underwhelming for me, I expected it the whole time. 

The general idea was good, but it needed something more, I feel...

Very cute game. Does get kinda repetitive after a while, but I enjoyed it.

Yeah, never again sliding down a random slide in the woods. That was an interesting experience. Enjoyed my time.

I'll be honest, I expected way less when I decided to play this game, but it nearly made me cry. I was really on edge by the end of the game. Loved it!

Brilliant game! Had a lot of fun playing it! Just for the life of me couldn't get the second ending. I might be too dumb 😂😂

This was such a fun game to play and I enjoyed editing the video just as much!! My only issue is that there's no way of fast travelling or checkpoints when you're replaying the game. Other than that I really loved it. The style, the characters, the ambience... Loved it!

Such a beautiful game. I loved the story. Really hit me right in the feels.

I liked this. Never heard this creepypasta before, but I'm fascinated. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

I love the VHS themed games, and this game did that excellently. Really good!

It's a good concept, but it was kinda lacking in the spooky element. The end was definitely creepy, but I feel like it could be even more creepy. Also would have liked if it was a bit longer. Really good concept though. There's a lot of potential around this idea.

Oh cool! Enjoyed it regardless. Will definitely check out your other stuff soon <3

This was all sorts of entertaining. I loved it, even though the main joke went over my head. Such a blast!!!

I had an absolute blast playing this, recording it, and editing it! I need more of Stone Jones in my life!

I'm a big fan of this style of game. Really enjoyed this one.

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Please make more games. I really liked this. Love the subtle jokes in there as well. 

This nearly made me cry, to be honest... Well done!!
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This was fun. I would like more like this.

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This was a fun experience. I enjoyed it a lot. Would love to see more.