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A member registered Jul 14, 2017

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I hope this is continued, you definitely have something here, I would pay if you decide on a full release (once all the glitches are fixed). The only thing I can think of at the moment is perhaps making it easier to find the best spot to place the onisiris planet scanners, I often have to waste a lot of energy trying to find the location.

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(Edit) Nevermind about the spikes, I was able to get the hang of it. just need to get close and move as soon as they disappear.

A description of what stat icons mean would really help. Some of them are obvious but a few are not. You could do this with a tool tip that appears when the user hovers over the icon.

Other than that I am enjoying the game and like the mechanics so far

As the title suggests, makes absolutely no sense. Considering the amount your charging, there should be a FREE demo so players can test out if the game is something they would want to fully purchase.

I'm enjoying the game so far, but there is one issue that has been really starting to fustrate me about the dungeons. I'm confused as to why there is no map for the dungeons? A simple map of the dungeon which uses fog of war mechanics (only showing the areas/tiles the player has visited - just the walls/doors/areas) would make the dungeons heaps and bounds more enjoyable. It's rather fustrating to end up going around in circles because you can't really tell all that well if you have been through this corridor or this room before until you actually go there and see the crates/barrels you broke. It wastes too much of the torch resource, and your inventory is limited so you can't carry tons of them if you want to be able to loot the dungeon, and even then having higher torch resources still wouldn't stop you from gettting lost. This issue also makes it harder to actually find whatever boss is in there that you need to kill for a quest.

Please tell me you plan on continuing this game till its fully developed? I loved the mix of puzzles and battles in the game demo and would be willing to purchase when it's complete.

No problem. I enjoyed what I was able to play so far.

(2 edits)


While playng chapter 3 (common route) I seemed to run into a renpy error which  stops me from playing any further - I've pasted the traceback below for your reference:-

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
ScriptError: could not find label 'mde_03_02_commmon'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "script/9_story/Chapter 03/mde_03_01.rpyc", line 830, in script
  File "C:\Users\maryo\Downloads\mystic-destinies-echoes-early-access-win\MDE-v1.8-pc\renpy\", line 1633, in execute
    rv =
  File "C:\Users\maryo\Downloads\mystic-destinies-echoes-early-access-win\MDE-v1.8-pc\renpy\", line 875, in lookup
    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original))
ScriptError: could not find label 'mde_03_02_commmon'.

MDE-v1.8 1.8
Fri Oct 18 16:17:41 2019

This game is amazing! That is all.

I'll just copy and paste the link for the latest update from their website here:

It seems a lot of things have happened....

(1 edit)

It's been delayed again (they've just put an update on their site), unfortunately the CG artist had a death in their family, so understandably they would need time away from working, so they have pushed the release to October.

(1 edit)

I have another backer update from them here whichgives an estimation of the release date for Echoes:-

Hello all,

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Apologies for the delays in updates, but we’ve been working hard in our little writer holes on Echoes.

Some of you may not have read that only part of the team is working on To the Edge of the Sky and that the rest is working on Echoes.

Estimated dates are:

  • Echoes release is set for September
  • Shipping and sending out digital rewards will start in September

So it seems they are still going to be releasing Echoes this year least...better late then at never I guess?

thank you I have received it. I'll delete my previous messages.

I am still yet to receive my premium key even though I have contributed to the first campaign for this game on fundrazr ? Can this be rectified please? My email address is

Same here, I donated $20 to the first campaign but haven't seen anything in my email for a premium key?

+1 for the fact that customization in this game includes the skin colour. So many games around that allow you to customise the character will give you options (like gazillions of eye colours and hair colours) for everything except the skin colour (cough-fire emblem-cough-cough) which thoroughly irritates me. As a programmer I'd be very interested in learning how you managed to acheive having the skin colour controlled by a slider. Also I enjoyed playing the game, look forward to the updates.

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Negativity? I think it's fair that people were worried about the silence on the project around the time it was suppose to be released, in particular those who had contributed their own money to back the project. Calling it negativity is a bit much I think, a lot of the comments were showing concern for the developer themselves and just wanted an update on what was going on. I'm glad for the backers that the developer has updated about the project and hope that the developer themselves are getting the rest/support they need for the difficult time they seem to be going through in their personal life.

(1 edit)

I haven't seen anything on the actual progress of the game's development on tumblr or kickstarter for March. It seems even the kickstarter backers haven't been updated on the state of the game, if you look on the comments on kickstarter page, quite a few of them are asking for an update and getting worried. I'm not backer so im not really upset, but honestly the backers should have received some sort of update as another person said above. Just a short message so backers know  the project is still alive.

Ok thanks that makes sense that it would only activate after you got on a route. Thanks for your quick reply! I'm really enjoying this game. Also very happy there is character customisation which allows you to play as a darker skinned character, which is not that common in visual novel games in general. I look forward to the release, and if I'm honest I would have paid money for this so the fact that this is a free game has me astounded (but  very happy of course!)

I have a question about the option to show best the best choice.....if we have that option enabled will we get some kind of effect shown on screen before or after we make a choice. I had the option enabled when playing the demo but didn't se any differences...

Yes i saw something about that on their tumblr. I'm happy at least that they are still clearly going to release Echoes as some point but honestly they need to do something about their communication with those who back their projects and perhaps look into how they prioritize their work.

I just received an update from the developer on the staus of the game as a paypal backer, copied and pasted below:

Mystic Destinies: Deluxe Edition has been delayed. January 2018 is our new estimated release date.  

Mystic Destinies: Echoes store pages are now updated with an estimated Q2 release date. The refund page for backers who wish to withdraw their pledge closes January 31, so don't forget to sign up by then if you wish to have a refund.  

Our website is getting a revamp soon to include centralized information for each game. We will continue updating when we have new information to share with you. Thanks for your patience.

Well at least  it seem's they are still planning to release it...eventually...

I completely understand, after echoes is released I think I will probably just stay clear of any of the future projects they release afterwards. Even if I have liked their past work, the way they handle communication as well as other things is ridiculous.

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Disappointing news - MDE is going to be further pushed back for release in 2018 (with no estimate on the date). They are still going to release deluxe version of MDSOA this month but MDE is going to pushed back. While I know things happen during development of games, but honestly I think a lot of the reason that MDE has been delayed once again like this is because of them using some of their time and resources to work on the TTEOTS game which they should have just picked up later. If they had just stuck to MDSOA deluxe and MDE I think they might have been able to had these games out this year. Honestly they seem to promise a lot then under deliver because they take on more than they can handle at a time. By the way they have said they will be looking into 'staggered' refunds for those who back MDE and no longer want to wait for the game or the rewards.  Those who pre-paid and want a refund should go here (they did only send this to the backers but since you guys paid already too you should be able to get refunds in my opinion). I don't think I will ask for one since I've waited all this time and while I am disappointed at how they have handled things, I do believe they will eventually release MDE. MDSOA was also released late but they did release it eventually and I reallly still want to play MDE. 

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Yeah to be honest they should have been giving regular updates here (you put up money before they had even released the product or even a demo so you have just as much right to be informed about the progress of the game) but to be honest the updates to the backers themselves were sparse and infrequent, instead they were mostly posting on their social media accounts about a completely different game that they were working on. I've played MDSOA and enjoyed it so I believe Echoes will be good too (I'm looking forward to playing as Aurelia, the MC from MDSOA was cool but Aurelia is A+) but they really have to work on communicating with those who chose to support their projects financially in much better fashion, especially if a problem arises while working on that said project. At least it is still going to be released I guess.

(1 edit)

They have just sent out an update to backers on the status of Echoes and MDSOA deluxe. They plan to release them both in December (so it seems Echoes did get pushed back again a bit), but they will probably be out on Itchio first as Steam has a two-week delay on game titles.

Never mind they have released an update on the game to backers today.

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If there are any Kickstarter backers for this game around I'd be super grateful if you could please write a message on the Kickstsarter page for Echoes asking the developers to give us an update on the game's progress? I would do it but I am a Paypal backer and thus unable to make comments on the page. It's already the 20th of November and they haven't confirmed whether the game is still going to be released this month or the general progress and I am getting concerned to be honest. The reason I'm asking for this is because they don't seem to be looking at this itchio page at all lately but they seem to at least look at the Kickstarter page and respond to some comments there....

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So it's been pushed back again for December? Maybe it's due to Steam's approval process so it has a later date (wishful thinking perhaps) than when they would release on itchio? Still what you mentioned about the shrinking content worries me too, since on Kickstarter the developers expressed that they wanted to move on from the Mystic Destinies series after Echoes and MDSOA deluxe, I really hope they are not cutting down content to get Echoes as a means to reach that goal. I know that they as a company have the right to make decisions what they do, but I have to wonder, why would a team as small as it is be trying to take on the development of multiple projects at the same time, I don't understand why they've chosen now to start trying to work on TTEOTS when it makes more sense (to me at least) to put all of their limited resources into finishing MDSOA rewards and Echoes? They could always pick up TTEOTS later? I really hope that they give the mini routes at least one CG but now that I think about it, when I played MDSOA I don't remember it being particularly CG heavy, a lot of the time the sprites themselves had their appearances changed for different situations (the backgrounds were also very detailed) and it was still enjoyable so perhaps it will be the same for this game....

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As a Paypal backer I can tell you that they had to push back the release of Echoes to November 2017 due to some circumstances. But honestly I'm worried at the fact that there hasn't been another update for Echoes to confirm that it is still on target to be released this month. It's already the 20th, I just want to know the progress, if there is a problem that may set it back again they should let us know, or if it still going to be released this month then confirm it....

Sorry I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I have a question about the MC for this game, will the MC appear in the game with a sprite or in the CGs or will it be a completely faceless MC who will never be seen in the game?