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A member registered Feb 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi, I am really sorry for your issues. As said in a previous comment, UX has been pretty neglicted by us, and in the end, we had little to no time to improve it. It is a point we will really focus on for the next projects. 

Still, thanks for your feedback, much appreciated!

Hi, UX has been strongly neglected during this jam, I planned to include the boats indicators directly on the map, but didn't get the time to do so due to an unexpected (and very fortunate) event.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hi, thanks for the feedback!

Unfortunately, I don't plan to work on the game for now, reason being that I just got a new job and am pretty busy at the moment. I could maybe improve the game in the future, when I'll have more time. I'll ask the team their opinion on that. :)

Hey! Really appreciate the feedbak, thank you!

Hi Catelyn,

The boat are visible when you click on the zone, you can then drag them back in the initial panel. We did not have the time to make them appear directly on the map. As for the boober, it is indeed hidden, just hold the space bar until an exclamation point appears.

Thanks for your feedback!