Interesting template. Over the years, I've distanced myself from all Google services and products. Is there a generic extension for alternate database API which we can use in place of Firebase? There is a similar storage project I'd like to use rather than Firebase.
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PopUp 21 Fantasy Blackjack Trainer
The ultimate Blackjack trainer!
PopUp 21 adds a unique gameplay style onto the core mechanics of Blackjack. A deck of playing cards become game characters. Betting tables become kingdoms waiting to be plundered. All the great features are included such as: splitting, double down, surrender, also included is a built-in strategy advisor which aides in your decision making throughout the gameplay.
This is Blackjack unlike you've ever seen. Gone are the days of slow and monotonous gaming sessions where the graphics and interface never change.
The origins of Blackjack are a mystery, however, popular consensus says the game has been with us in some form since the 1700s. The rules have evolved over centuries, but until now the interface has remained the same.
The quickplay game session transports you into a dungeon environment where you and the dealer go head-to-head to determine who will take the gold. A narrator announces the Kings, Princes, Jacks, and Aces as they appear. Will you hit again, or stay your hand? Will you take the risk of splitting your hand for the chance of doubling your gold? Does in-decision freeze your mind? Click the Advisor button and you will hear a voice that will offer you a statistical recommendation using very simple phrases.
All the great features of a truly comprehensive Blackjack engine are included such as:
- Hitting
- Standing
- Splitting
- Doubling down
- Surrendering
- ...and much more
All of your wins, losses, and pushes are tracked on-screen so you can see your progress at a glance. You can play with the professional voice-overs and sound effects, or you can play in silence. If you zero-out your warchest of gold, simply click a button and an instant refill will be credited to you. The gaming sessions are endless!
Full-Featured Blackjack Game
PopUp 21 comes with plenty of classic features and some great improvements for winning all the gold in the kingdom.
Full Deck of Characters
We've taken the classic deck of playing cards and turned each one of them into game characters.
Single Card Deck
PopUp 21 currently uses only a single deck of cards. Future versions will use multiple decks.
Single Level Splitting
If you get two-of-a-kind on your initial draw, you can split the cards for a dual hand...but only one time.
Double Down
Any time you can double your bet. You get one additional card and after that it's the dealer's turn.
Strategy Advisor
Receive a statistical recommendation for your next move. Just like the strategy cards you get at casinos.
Full Surrender Reset
The surrender option ends your hand, however, you forfeit your entire bet rather than only half.
Instant Win on 21
A Blackjack pays out more, however, any outcome of 21 in any combination activates an instant win.
Dealer Hits on 17
Of course the dealer is going to hit! Take advantage of this hard rule by using the Advisor feature for extra analysis.
A Player/Dealer Tie Pushes the Gold to the Next Draw
Any tie between you and the dealer will push the pot of gold to the next draw.