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A member registered Dec 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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perfecto! que lo disfrutes ;)

comprueba si tienes estos DLL en la carpeta del juego:
Si ya los tienes y sigue sin ir es probable que los requerimientos no sean suficientes(?)

puedes probar a instalar esta version de Visual C++ y luego reiniciar el pc.

Si sigue sin ir, a algunos usuarios les ha funcionado instalar Adobe Acrobat Reader

Ojalá te sirva de ayuda y perdón por los inconvenientes

Hey sorry for the late response,
I can tell you did played the whole game and find some fetishes you didn't really like during your run, I can understand that not everyone likes ahegao or furry stuff and guess that's a personal taste for each person.

I agree with many other suggestions that you made, things that could've been done better, by just adding some kind of option to skip those 3 times climax (I personally like it, I mean, no shit, I made it hahahah, but I can tell some people can find it tedious), or put more effort in the platforming level design or the action itself.

Anyway, thanks for taking your time to write this comment and that long review! yes, I have read it.

Nayla's Castle was my first game and I'm working on a new game now, so wish me luck!

Thanks! means a lot :) I'll try my best!

Thanks!! =)

Thanks! means a lot, I'll try my best!

Oh, that one looks amazing, I should probably buy it for... inspiration purposes heheh

Jokes aside, thanks for your comment :)

Yes, its a patreon page and there are patreon tier privileges, I guess I can warn about it in the post if thats a concern.

thanks! I'll do my best

You can customize the controls by pressing F1 > Settings. (I can tell my control schemes are just my preferences which are not for everyone, and tried to make it so its possible to play "one-handed" lol)

To be honest, combat and jumping could be better, but I liked how it feels, guess I got used to it during the development and didn't improve them more than that. 

Also, sorry if you found bugs during your gameplay. Maybe I should update the demo since I fixed many bugs in the complete game. That softlock should not happen.

Oh and thanks for sharing your honest impression, I'm paying more attention in the game feeling for future games.

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I think anywhere in Europe except Germany...  USA should be fine too

humm, I have no clue, where are you from? maybe steam doesn't allow this content in your country? : (

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It's possible to change the controls by pressing F1 and click on Settings.

Thanks for playing <3

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After buying the Painting of a Maid and completing it, someone will be waiting for you with a hint at the bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think the engine (Pixel Game Maker MV) doesn't support linux, also the devs aren't planning to add it anytime soon.

I hope you could try it on windows if you like my game =) 


Its going to take a while, ngl but I'm really motivated with the new project =) can't tell an estimate date, but will try to bring a demo/prototype soon

Since it's my favourite (erotic) genre, it will. =)

Hi there, I'm affraid there are no plans for that since I'm working on a new game. I'm taking notes from your comment though!

Hey, I'm sorry, did you tried the game in another computer?
Maybe it has something to do with the requirements...

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Not a save file but if you start a new game, you'll be able to enter a secret code and skip the stages by using them. (just in version 1.2)
You can check them here.

Hope it helps!

thanks! hope you like it!

Thanks!! enjoy =)

Final update (1.2) took way more time than expected due to my other job. I'm sorry if that was an inconvenience for my patrons and I'm thankful that many of them remained supportive after all.

Psst, secret codes are here.

great!! thanks for telling me, enjoy the game ^^

hmm, try put these DLLs inside the game folder:
tell me if it works please!

Sorry for any inconvenience.

really sorry to read that, if you go for a new game and that still happens, it's probably somthing to do with the requirements of the engine

You can enter the Discord server for that, but I'll probably stop adding stuff to Nayla's Castle after the last update that I'm finishing right now

Hi there, check the Shop! It's always good to invest in art =)

Hi, thank you for paying for the old version, ( but that version was free or "pay what you want".

That old version is actually a demo, and it was also in a hentai-dev-support bundle. So that's why I had to separate the full new version from the old one, I'm affraid.

This version has more enemies, bosses and stages than the old one, also it will receive a new update soon.

Thank you for your support, means a lot!

It should work fine, when you press the Save button you should be able to load the game at the main menu whenever you saved it.

No hay planes para versión móvil. Debido al software con el que hice el juego me temo que no es posible...
Intentaré cambiar eso para juegos que haga más adelante.

Hey! I'm currently developing another (big) stage, but it will take a while. So the answer is yes, there will be more content before moving on to another game =)

Thanks for playing I'm glad u enjoy Nayla's Castle that much!

thank you so much I really appreciated it! =)

I see, thanks for reporting it, I'll try to fix it as soon as I can ^^

Mr.Q sounds nice tho hehe. thanks again for your comment !

I'll check that again, thanks for reporting it ><

yes, it will.

Hi I'm affraid that copying your save file won't work on the new version.

This is the changelog: 
I'm sorry, didn't posted it earlier!

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yes, there are other futas! no balls though

It's a common issue, try this and tell me if it worked for you: