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A member registered Sep 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hello! Thank you so much for letting me know!

I accidentally deleted it while cleaning up unused font files (there were a bunch more before from when I was testing new fonts). I updated the executable, so if I didn't miss anything else, it should work fine now! Sorry for the trouble, and hope you enjoy the update! :')

Thank you so much to you for playing it!! Hearing that is the highest praise. I'm sure the sand planet felt accompanied :')

Thank you so much for playing The Stairway!!! It really means a lot that it was able to give you such an emotional and relaxing experience, and that it gave you comfort through such a difficult moment! I wish your partner a very swift recovery!

Since it's an old game, sometimes I think about the things I would have done different if I had worked on it now, but hearing this makes me really glad I made this game when I did. :') I hope you enjoy my other works if you check them out!!

Not at all, it's great to hear your feelings about it!! It's a very interesting way of seeing it! I'm really glad this little story and world was able to make this impression on you. Thank you so much for playing Goodbye Tired Stars! :'D

Thank you so much for playing it!! I'm especially happy that the music helped, since it was my first time composing proper background music. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :'D

Thank you so much for playing it, and for the video too! Hearing this really means a ton!! (Friends of mine keep telling me to add more planets, so I'm really starting to wonder if I should... lol)

(Apologies for the late reply!) Thank you so much for playing, and for recording it too! :'D

(Sorry for the late reply!) Thank you so much for playing!! I'm really glad you liked it, and even more that you found it comforting :')

Ooo glad you noticed that! The connection won't be clear from the start, but there might be some ties to it eventually 👀

Very soon!!

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm really glad, it really means a lot to hear this!

Thank you so much!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the experience. :'D

Thank you so much for playing it, and for the let's play too!! It was very entertaining to watch, it's always interesting to see the reactions of people as they play :') As a beginner composer, I'm especially happy to hear you enjoyed the music!

Hello! Of course, I would be really glad to add a French translation! :')

(I assume the mail I got was from your team, but do correct me if it is not so!)

Hello! Thank you so much for your kind offer!! I would be glad to accept. :')

When you can, feel free to contact me through the address at the bottom of the read me file! I can send you the script of the game there.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!!

I would be happy to accept your translation offer! Feel free to contact me through the mail at the bottom of the read me file when you can, I can send you the full script there. :')

(1 edit)

OH NO... I must have messed up when putting the text in the event. Thank you so much for the bug report!! I'll go fix it right away. (EDIT: it should be fixed now!)

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it despite the error :')

Thank you so much for playing it, and for the video! I appreciate it a lot!

Drawing is one of my favorite things, so I'm glad to hear that :')

Thank you so much!!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the experience! :'D

I would be very glad to accept the translation offer!! Where would be the best place to send you the script? (If you prefer, you can also contact me through the mail at the end of the read me file if it makes it easier to communicate!)

Thank you so much for playing my games!! It really means a lot to hear this!! I love shading in purple, it gives off a very nice ambience :')

Ooh, you're actually super close with that interpretation! That's pretty much on the spot! I initially left it a bit open, but I don't mind confirming this part of the story at this point. Since it's so short, a lot of the setting ended up unexplained, but maybe I could bring something back from this game someday...!

Muchísimas gracias por jugarlo!! Me alegro de que te haya gustado! :'D

Implementar los diferentes idiomas fue complicado, no sé si es la mejor manera de hacerlo pero me acabó funcionando! Probablemente en otras versiones de RPGMaker o implementando un menú de opciones sea más práctico hacerlo, pero para VX Ace lo hice de esta manera:

1. En el primer mapa que sale al iniciar el juego, puse un evento de decisión para elegir entre los diferentes idiomas (la posición del recuadro la asigné desde el mismo script editor que viene en el programa). Según el idioma elegido en esta decisión, se asigna un valor diferente a una variable llamada Language (0 si se elige inglés, 1 si se elige español, etc). Esta variable es la que indicará en qué idioma debe aparecer el texto.

2. Para mostrar el diálogo en diferentes idiomas, tuve que hacerlo de dos maneras:

- Para eventos que solo requieran una página, se puede hacer una página diferente para cada idioma y mostrarlas según el valor de la variable:

Por ejemplo, este evento tiene cuatro páginas, una para cada idioma. Como la condición de que se ejecute esta página es que la variable Language esté en valor 0 o mayor, aquí irá el texto en inglés. En la siguiente página, la condición será que Language esté en valor 1 o mayor, y tendrá el texto en español. Así sucesivamente. (Por desgracia el "X o mayor" no se puede cambiar, pero no debería dar problemas si las páginas están ordenadas de menor a mayor valor.).

- Para eventos que necesiten más de una página, usé ramas condicionales dentro de la misma:

Como no hay manera de hacer condicionales con varios if, es una cadena de ramas condicionales: la primera mira si la variable está a 0, si no lo está, pasa a else, que tiene la siguiente rama condicional que mirará si está a 1, si no lo está, pasa a la siguiente que mirará si está a 2, y etc. Esto puede alargarse mucho si son diálogos muy largos o muchos idiomas, pero por lo menos funciona.

3. La parte un poco más complicada es la de traducir las opciones de menús y la pantalla del título, porque requiere trastear un poco por el editor de script. Recomiendo ir con mucho cuidado con esto porque alguna vez me he cargado sin querer el script y el juego crasheaba apenas intentar abrirlo :''')

La manera como lo hice fue buscar los sitios donde se programa cada opción que debe ser traducida, pongo de ejemplo las tres opciones del título:

El programa en sí ya te da la opción de cambiar esas palabras en el apartado Terms de la Database, pero solo para el idioma original. Las palabras asignadas en la database se almacenan por defecto en una parte del script llamada Vocab, que es donde el script suele mirar para ver qué escribir en cada sitio.

Para poder hacer diferentes versiones para varios idiomas, tuve que añadir esos ifs para que el script mire primero la variable Language como en los eventos para saber qué escribir. En el primer if (la versión en inglés) hace lo que el script normalmente haría (mirar en Vocab y escribir lo que hay asignado ahí), pero en los otros if, le asigné las palabras traducidas directamente.

Si no recuerdo mal, los textos que tuve que cambiar a través del script estaban en Window_TitleCommand, Window_GameEnd, Window_SaveFile, Scene_Save y Scene_Load.

4. Para hacer que la elección de idioma aparezca antes que la pantalla del título usé un script de libre uso que encontré. Lo he buscado otra vez, pero parece que la página donde lo vi está caída y no logro encontrarlo en ningún otro sitio ;;

Como idea alternativa, se me ocurre utilizar un script que te permita saltar del todo la pantalla del título para hacer una con eventos, así puedes hacer todo lo que haga falta a través de los mismos mapas. Es bastante común para poder hacer title screens totalmente customizadas.

Disculpa si ha quedado demasiado largo y confuso! Si tienes cualquier duda puedes preguntar sin problemas :')

Thank you!! :')

It's strange, I checked the event but there was nothing that could make it repeat or open the save menu... I plan on releasing an update later today, so I'd suggest redownloading then. I also recommend starting a new game just in case something in the save is affecting this (you can easily skip the text by keeping shift pressed to reach the part you were at).

Once again, I apologize for the trouble, and thank you very much for letting me know of this problem! I'll keep note of it in case it happens again with the incoming update.

So sorry for the issues!

I've never seen this happen before at all, so I'm not sure; the game isn't supposed to prompt to save at any point since it's so short (unless you open the menu to save manually).

Does it happen only with the spires? Are you pressing Z or X to pass the text? As soon as I can, I'll check the event to make sure it's working well!

Thank you so much!! I wonder how many... probably more than we can imagine! I wonder if they've ever seen Earth...?

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm really glad I was able to capture the Granblue feel in it :')

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game!! Thank you so much for playing :'D

And thank you for letting me know too, I'll go check right away! New messages always get buried in new message requests and don't show a notification, so I miss a lot of them ;;

Thank you so much!! I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed the game and the art!!

I made the Star Collector just for this story, but they grew on me a lot too :')

Thank you so much for playing!! That planet is my favorite too, I'm glad you liked it :'D

This game ended up having a lot of personal thoughts in it, so it really means a lot to hear that...!! Thanks to you for playing it!

Thank you so much for playing and recording it!! I'm still a beginner writer, so it's really heartening to hear the writing is like poetry :')

Thank you so much for playing it, and for the gameplay video!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it even with the machine translation! I'm very happy that it gave you such a feeling!

I've been wondering about how that planet would have looked in the past... I'm sure they are glad to be remembered!

Thank you so much for playing it, and for the video too!! I'm really glad you liked it!! :')

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :'D

Thank you so much!!! As someone who is still insecure about writing, it's a great feeling to hear it was able to resonate with you like this. :') That's a very nice thought for the planet too! I'm sure it really appreciated it. Thank you so much for playing!!

Yay!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it and that it worked in the end! Thank you so much for playing it!! :'D

Hello! This is a pretty frequent error that happens whenever the resolution of the game is not compatible with your operative system. I found this page with various solutions:

It has happened to me before, and I managed to fix it by putting the game in compatibility mode (the first option)! I hope it helps :') Let me know if it works!

Apologies for the very late reply! Thank you so much for playing cirrus!! Congrats on getting all the effects too :'D

Hearing it feels strangely peaceful is one of the best compliments! We're glad you enjoyed its worlds!!

Thank you so much for playing cirrus!! Putting care into the transitions from one world to another and connecting them is one of the most fun parts. :')

Even if we can't work on it often, we do plan on adding an ending and a lot more stuff in the future! Thank you for enjoying your journey so far!!

Thank you so much for playing cirrus!!! We're glad you enjoyed it! :'D

While we won't confirm or deny any theories, it's always interesting to hear what people think the story is, so feel free to share your thoughts if you want!