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A member registered Apr 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! Yes, sadly we ran into some issues getting the agents to show up which in turn caused value issues. We do have little cars, bikes, and people models eager to be shown in the game so keep on the lookout for an updated build with the agents up and running again >:D! Hope you enjoyed it!

Sadly towards the end, we ran into some issues with getting the agents to show up, which then caused some wacky issues with the values ;-;. However, we are continuing to work and update the game to get the agents up and runnin' again! Keep on the lookout for a new build >:D. I hope you enjoyed it!

I love the 2D and 3D art assets in this game! It's very stylized and so pretty, the world looks like it's in a painting! I think the star mapping mechanic is a unique and interesting feature, as well as being able to click on the facts in the book and it will take you to an information page (I thought that was funny lol). I think the moth NPCs are my favorite lol, a fun narrative and I'm excited to see where it goes! I'm super excited to see future releases and further polishing! Some things I noticed (and I'm sorry for repeating what other people have said) but the movement controls are a bit floaty(?). And the ledges and a little wonky as I can spam my way up them. I think the levels themselves felt longer due to the repetitive assets being used. I would love to see the platforms connected to the ground and look in a more natural state. The floating rocks and stumps are a little off-putting and get repetitive after a while. I want to feel the excitement of exploring a new world. 2.5D is a challenge but I think you all are doing a great job! Cant wait to see more!

I love the style and models in this game! I like the shader you used to make the outline effect on some of the nature assets such as bushes and trees. It makes the forest fun to look at lol! I think the town and overall map step design is great and it's a type of game I'd love to see more of (I love cute cooking adventure-type games!). There is definitely more to be polished, such as the NPCs not having poses, implementing the cooking system, and a more in-depth narrative. However, you now have a great foundation to continue building off of with a minimap, save data, and a nice-looking world environment! The bridge also disappeared on mine, but I saw others had pointed that out as well. The game was also very laggy on my PC, it may just be because it's a bit older, but it could be something to look into. Great job and I hope you keep working on this game!