I can't purchase it to try. I've tried several times now.
Recent community posts
In it's current state the controls need work and the character control isn't tight enough, even the initial part sliding to the side to avoid the inital boulder. The big thing with the original was how tight the controls are. The bombs also need to be assigned as per the orignals by pressing fire and down. Graphically it does look nice but it needs tightening. Also the first part I need to use a bomb somehow I dropped through the ground and was stuck.
I grew up on IK+ on the Amiga and not sure if this is complete. The hit points don't seem to count so you have no idea who is winning, the enemy AI is poor and barely move out of their starting areas. The bonus levels are not a patch on the amiga version. For the bouncing balls levels I just moved left and right to deflect as there was no need to duck etc. The bomb level is terrible. Looks OK but plays poorly in comparison to the original in it's current state. Tested on an emulator
I just beat the mid 1st boss and had the arrow to continue so pushed forward and died and had to restart level one, Also the screen of enemies before the boss if you press left too much that screen reloads with the enemies?
What are the things you collect?
Very buggy at the moment. Nice music though
Edit: Just played through level 1 & 2 (no end boss on level 2?) and takes me back to level 1, not sure the version of this is the most recent version?
Not sure if you know if you try and rush forward through the intro and then out of the mines to stage 1 you get stuck. I've tried in Mesen and Nestopia. I'm going to reboot and give another go now. No score or lives remaining on the main screen bugs me a bit too. And getting to the first boss and the having to start at the beginning was an issue.