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A member registered May 28, 2020

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(1 edit)

Same. But have you tried downloading while ob incognito? I did it once on another file with the same error but haven tried it on this game. Maybe I should try it first. Could be worth a shot.

Edit: nvm. I just tried it and didnt wort : (

the guy said to tap the area above the bar with buttons. Yknow, the ones with [Save] and [Menu]. Yeah just tap above that area and youll be outside

holy crap... Im done fishing with Snow , met the Orca butler, and met the red lizard guy and still havent gone to the waterfalls.

Dang such tiny details can hold back some exp & money...

yeah I havent made it to the dungeon. Is there an event I need to trigger to gain access? 

Where do I get the moss Chet asked me to get?


I guess its just my phone...

it happens when I transition to another place and when Im selecting a character for dialogues. 

Holy shit it worked! Thank u kind stranger.

Also, are you experiencing lag while playing? Or is it just me and my phone...?

Uhhhh... Where?

Im currently having trouble looking for a way to navigate through the game. Im stuck at the Tavern and randomly tapped possibly anywhere and it took me outside. Then another random taps it took me to the map.

Its sooooo frustrating to not see an [Exit] button to make it easier to get outside the Tavern to outside then to the map. 

Because up until now, I still have no idea how else Im gonna navigate. Pls help ಥ‿ಥ

Holy shit man. I didnt know Mark had a manic episide when he envited Walter to eat donuts. And he had a hard time recalling, like, bruh...

Btw how to do the spoiler post thing?

Wait so this is the patreon version?



Yu play mobile legends too?

Ok I'll try. But if it doest load then I might just wait for a new update. Thanx

I installed the game but cant play it. Its just a screen that says lustful desires but doesnt actually run anything. What's happening?