I hear you! I plan on returning to the realistic style in a future game and on the extended version of this game. Hope you can wait.
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Thank you so much for playing. This and many of the other comments have touched my heart. I am really grateful that you played this game!
I have been searching so long for a way to express my emotions, and I felt so alone when I was feeling these things. I really do fail to express how much pain I am in outside of making video games, and to see the understanding and it's impact makes living so much lighter.
I hope that the game lifts you up in the same way that developing it and seeing the reactions to it has lifted me up.
It's available on spotify! :)
If you don't mind, can you take a screenshot of this page for me?
As well as this: https://get.webgl.org/webgl2/
It should look like this:
Oh wow, the game is definitely not designed for that environment at all. I looked up your hardware and I am making an educated guess to say that it might not have WebGL 2 support. Can you visit https://get.webgl.org/webgl2/ to see if says "Your browser supports WebGL2"?
If I am correct then I will be downgrading the game to use WebGL 1 instead.
I think the statue puzzle is my weakest puzzle design, and I have been playing around with how to rework it.
The "L" you are referring to is actually an "I" which is roman numeral for 1. The two clues "I." and "The End" signify the start and end of the sequence. I can see how people might not interpret it this way.
The color of the gems gives you the neighbors for the start and end. They also shine in the same order that you have to bless the colors. Having the start, the end, and the neighbors should be enough information to put together an order. I think a problem is being able to communicate that these gems are neighbors.
[!!spoilers!!]I think it could be interpreted that way. I wrote it to be more about wanting to escape from reality onto the internet, something I have personal experience with. During quarantine especially I was driven deeper and deeper into this mindset. In a way, escaping to the internet is like a form of suicide – your body may exist but your mind is somewhere else. I have other cousins and friends who fell into this, and from the outside looking in I can both relate and feel sad. I think there's a reason why people fall into escapism, but not everyone wants to share the reason.[/!!spoilers!!]
hey A-wq, I promise I have ways to tie everything up in a sequel! if I don't end up making a game I will likely publish the ending as a short story.
lots of questions on orion and the rules of what people uploaded are allowed to do. hope to not have you wait too long.
i think maybe a hint i would give is that the House of Baphomet is slightly based on the Cult of the Dead Cow and her messages with Emily is her practicing her "powers" she was given.