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A member registered Feb 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Request #999 to give itch verson buyers a steam key as most projects here do that since it make sense (and you are charging more here)

(For real though i get why you seem to be ignoring these comments. Dont know if you mean to but its your game so you can do what you want with it. Great game too. Looking forward to more.)

I got my big iron on my hip

its on both versions
It might be because i am using Linux but usually wine is pretty good at running exe files

I dont know if I am the only one that has this problem but I cant see any of the text in the game...

Its all just blue boxes lol. Its making the game hard to get started lol

Am I the only one that has performance issues? 
Web and download version

if we bought the game do we get a steam key?
(also good work. I understand if you are too busy to talk to fans right now)

Whats the difference between the itch and steam version?

(2 edits)

Also I would be willing to help out with this project how ever I can. I know its a weird request but I like to try to help out with project I want to see grow :).

The problem is that all I cant bring to the table is pixel art. Still not even the best at that :(. Still thought it would be worth it to offer though.
(If you want me to delete this comment I can :) )

Edit: Also i guess i make discord server templates idk if that is relevant though

I did do that but for some reason it didnt keep it after i closed the game. It did when I went back to main menu but not after a resart. Could be my end as I am using linux

Not far (i think) Got stuck on the part where the 'high attack' and 'attack boost' guys are. When i came back today my progress was whipped :(

Ya making the "ai" more complex would be nice. Now I have no idea how hard that is so take my comment with a grain of salt.

Also maybe make the oppenent able to 'Bump Up'? kinda unfair that the player can power up way past the other characters bumpers

(Also adding online multiplayer would make this game last forever but again I have no idea how to do that okaybye)

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(also maybe add a way for the game to remember past progress? When the game is closed all data is whipped and I have to start over.)

i need more of this game

"My grandpa's pack has no bad bumpers BumpCorp"

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For us that have already bought the game, will we receive a steam copy of the game when it releases?

Only know some pixel art, so probably cant help with that

Feels very good to just move around in. I like it very much when devs take time to fine tune the movement in their game
The art is also just... *chefs kiss* perfecto! Love the pastel color pallet.

I wold love to see if finished. How can i support this project?