when he called me a people pleaser I knew I was screwed </3 I STILL LOVED IT THO, ESP THE LORE
A member registered Apr 19, 2022
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here are some of the things i'd like to say
1. the menu screen caught me off guard in the best way possible
2. I love the way you wrote merfolk; it was in a way where the merfolk were realistic and animalistic
3. I'd love to see where you'll go with this story, and even if you decide to not develop it any further, I'd still gladly re-read the proof concept demo <3
Tentacle Love: A Squidward Dating Sim comments · Posted in Tentacle Love: A Squidward Dating Sim comments
Countryhumans - Dating Sim v0.13 comments · Replied to Shinigami Ashford in Countryhumans - Dating Sim v0.13 comments