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A member registered Jul 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hello! I am currently seeking a paid position in a team seeking a concept artist! I specialize in creature and environment concept art but I am open to character design as well. I'm not very experienced in 3D software but have some skill in Blender with building rough mockups to be used as a base for my environment art. I love all things horror but I am extremely willing to branch out and create more variety for my portfolio. My favorite horror games are Cry of Fear and Resident Evil 7, and my favorite non-horror games are Outer Wilds and Rain World.

Here is my portfolio: (apologies if the link dies)

I got my BFA in Illustration literally yesterday (5/11). I'm fresh out of the education box

Still looking for a cover artist? If so, I'm interested! I'm a freelance illustrator, here's a link to my portfolio: if you're looking for something on the realistic side (would work for free)

If you guys are still looking for a dope 2D artist I would love to add that extra flare to your projects, here's a link to my portfolio:

Discord: atlas#3391

(1 edit)

I remember playing your game Wrong Floor about two years ago and since then I became a fan of your development process. The art direction of your recent games is incredible and memorable, seriously. I didn't discover your itch page until recently, but if you wanna add a concept artist to your team I'd love to do some work for you (for free!) here's my portfolio:

and my discord: atlas#3391 if interested! :D

(apologies for self promotion, i dont know how else to contact you)

Not sure if you're still looking for a 2d artist/concept artist but I can leave my portfolio here: Creature designs are usually what I enjoy most :)) (discord: atlas#3391)

Hello! I'm a concept artist who mainly designs creatures and characters. I'm currently learning environment art/design. 

I am interested in creating art for horror games especially, but I am very flexible when it comes to genre and range. I am also willing to do prop design, weapon design, and UI design. I am capable of dedicating a lot of time to a project, so if you're a passionate programmer looking for a banger artist to work with, I'm a pretty good fit! I am a good communicator, an efficient worker, agreeable, and adaptive. 

Here's my portfolio:

My Discord: atlas#3391 

Instagram: 1000kiills

Examples: (more on my ArtStation, linked above)

victorian horror art sounds pretty sweet, im interested in knowing the details. u can message me on discord: atlas#3391

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Hello! I'm a student studying Illustration and highly passionate about concept art. I love analog horror, creature design, and character art (of any body type, still working on updating my portfolio with more body variety). I would love to concept some fleshy dudes of any kind of anatomical make-up. I am fascinated by muscle and bone structures and I love pushing the limits of anatomy; male anatomy is what I'm most experienced with.

My favorite creature designs come from Silent Hill, RE7, and my favorite horror game is Cry Of Fear. My preferred art direction is semi-realistic but I am willing to branch out.

Here's a link to my ArtStation! :

Feel free to reply if interested in adding an artist to your team! I'm still in school, so smaller-scale projects are preferred. Would appreciate being paid but I am also open to unpaid work. Thank you for reading!