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A member registered Dec 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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2.9.3 or 0.2.9 how we are labeling now

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, I'm already fixing the typos and code issues, and a shop will be available in future builds. 

All the encounters in this game are also male with a few female content. Take a look at this other game for more straight content:

(1 edit)

Skillpoints were mostly a testing feature, it was removed in the recent updates

The images require network connection as it's not local. I'll add a future update for offline gameplay

I plan to add something like this, thanks for the suggestion.

Both options are true, not exactly how I programmed, there's no simple way to do this and since it can be a lot time consuming, I'm considering adding new languages later when the game is almost complete.  

Fixed the bug with gender specific tease. I'll also overhaul the classes and check the traps, thank you so much for the bug report and commentary. 

A filter for gender preferences/kinks is something I want to add soon

Open the .html file it should run on your browser

That's something I plan to add, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you!!

Thank you for the detailed feedback and the suggestions. Some are really good ideas, and preference is something I want to add soon. 

Does any specific error happen?

Thank you

Thank you! I still have a lot of plans for the enemies

Yeah! You can move around the map using the keyboard arrow keys or by clicking on the right side bar button.

Hello, adding new languages to the game is something I've wanted for a long time, but I haven't found a simple solution yet

We'll have similar options in the future

Not currently, it may be something I can add. But I'd like to keep Allen's character identity!

We don't have any mechanics to tame characters, at least not yet. 

No, there are no cheat or cheat codes currently!

There isn't that feature, but it is something we can add in the future! Thank you for your suggestion.

Glad you liked it! You can also try playing our second game. Trash Hero: From the Abyss!

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We appreciate your enthusiasm, but we are a two-man team and we wish to keep it that way. Moreover, we'd rather keep our community posts related to our game.

  • Before posting a bug report, make sure to see if it hasn't already been mentioned before or if it appears in our future "Known Bugs" post;

It may be easier to find a reply if it has already been mentioned/answered before!

Also, depending on the text that displays on top you can know how far you are from reaching Whitefang. If you went North once, you must go South twice to get back

it changes between Return/Depart depending on the last direction you went (If you went North, now it becomes Depart and vice versa) So if you want to get back to whitefang you must continue pressing "South" regardless of what it say x3

Depends on what direction you are headed. If you went East (The Golden Fields' Pass) you must return by travelling West. And vice versa depending on where you are! (South if you went through the Gravel Trail)

Unfortunately there aren't any cheat codes atm!

It is an issue we wish to address in this 'demo' of sorts. Not only we plan on adding preferences for wild encounters (choose between male and female enemies) but we also plan on not tying the story to these cutscenes unless you wish to interact with a specific NPC and strengthen his bond with him/her.

If you mean to play as a female character, there will be additional campaigns in the future that will allow you to play as another gender. But if you mean about encounters instead, it is something we are looking into improving soon! So the player can choose his preference.

It is something we wish to implement! And will be an addition to the game when we start revising the entire 1st act.

Yes! But we are currently expanding the world so you can travel further. Although, we had to stop working on the game for the next month or two. We will resume soon!

We do, but it is one of our Patreon rewards!

Most likely! But not in the near future