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A member registered Jun 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really wish I had played this sooner 'cause it definitely reminded me that horror games may be scary but they are indeed fun to play.

I might even go through the adventure again just to relive the experience... in due time that is.

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If my mental fortitude was any weaker I would have a nightmare because of the cover photo for this sequel in my feed but thats alright. That just means its gonna be a good horror game and I am in the need for something like this

I certainly like the improvements I'm seeing here, not trying to say it wasn't good in previous versions of course but I am really liking how its better than before. Atleast thats my opinion anyway

Just how many chapters is planned for this series....? I haven't even started on the first one

I have to ask: is it now easier to unlock hscenes or is it still the same? I'm fine with it if its still the same cuz it makes it more rewarding due to the hard work I'll(eventually) put in, though I won't lie that I kinda suck at games like this. But I won't let that deter me in beating it with everything unlocked

Been a while since I played this and aside from wishing I could change how it ended I would definitely play this again for the 3rd time I think?

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This looks interesting, its not even a couple minutes and I think I already like this game and the background music.

Its a nice change of pace.

However.... I got ending 2 and I got turned into a mindless robot

If anyone can tell me how to get all endings that would be very helpful, I don't want to spend all my time figuring it out myself which I'm certain will take a while

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Almost beat the game and now I'm stuck at endgame but I'm gonna keep trying.

I have finished it at last and it was the best rpg game I've played so far.

Looking forward to the next destination!

can we not beat Rita yet in 1.6?

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Is the last remaining two upgrades not implemented into the game yet? I feel like I've done everything there is to do in this 0.42 version but Idk there could be something that I missed.


what Doki comments?

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wait wait wait hold up, there's a HHG poster in LIL?

Third time helping her? I thought it was one time when I did it.... unless things have changed then that'd be a different story

Its neither of them, its just a cowgirl that you can hire to work at the Milk Farm.

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I'm just gonna wait it out until LD+ is either caught up with the original LD or has gone past that point. Its just boring to play it each time a new version comes out but its worth the wait 'cause I really enjoy playing LD+

hmm maybe the whole "saves are incompatible with past versions " thing was for the beta version of v0.1.2

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wait what? the voice for the miho is Projekt Melody's?

Edit: the voice that speaks everytime we have to pick a stage?

Lucy, Rebecca, Fara, Luna, Shino, Evie, Sunny and Leticia

nope you can't use saves from before v0.1.2, everything has been reworked so old saves are not compatible anymore

ya welcome

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New lvls, EXP perks and skill trees?(and other new stuff) Thats my jam right there

If you're asking about the public version it'll be released on November 6

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how the hell do I increase this girl's affection?

Edit: I got this now

You're welcome

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Ahh I see now, did either of you went to the guild to talk it out with the others?

'cause thats what you need to do since the cliff area is not accessible to the player(for now...?), so go to the living room

wait did you look for her during the day or during the night?

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Elizabeth should be in her room in the morning and afternoon if I'm right, Ari should be somewhere at a stair area of the city or you could ask Elizabeth where Ari is.

She IS the MC and Ari's mother after all

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how's your search? did you found the demon lady?

I already like her with her hair let down but if I had to pick, it'd be the ponytail