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A member registered 17 days ago

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Hello you horny devils! I came to you with a bit of a guide on how to 100% the game. I should warn you that this will absolutely contain spoilers, and if I make any mistakes please tell me, as I'm going off memory here.
















Step 1! After getting your keys to your new room, head left to find a neat hole in the wall, a cutscene will play and you will be pushed into the wall, you will find the key to the door in the room right next to it. Everything after this is very easy to follow along with as it's a straight line to your first cutscene, hurray!

Step 2! After plowing your head back upstairs and beginning to head left again, you should see the beagle's potion shop just downstairs. I'd recommend grabbing one of each potion. the growth potion, the chasity potion, the hypno candy, the anal bead potion, and the tasty water. talk to beagle after snooping around and a twink should appear, interact with them to get a new quest, this one is straightforward as well. you can talk too beagle again to catch the twink eating  a hearty snack! When exiting the potion shop you will spot an SD card beside the steps, hand it to Beagle for another sexy cutscene!

Step 3! if you grabbed the water like a good little pup you can give it to a thirsty man! Head to the doorway upwards in the same room as the potion shop entrance, you can hand the thirsty boy the water you acquired in the potion shop. Follow him to the gym, you can steal his clothing in his locker (which should be shining) and wrestle him for a spicy cutscene, after exiting the gym and heading right, you should spot Beagle's assistant giving out a new drug, use this drug to rematch the rhino and acquire the cutscene.

Step 3.5! In the gym, you can find two things, the bathroom stall and the gargoyle. Starting with the stall, a code will be shown on the wall, pretty simple stuff. the stall will pop open and you will be shown an extra spicy cutscene! After this, if you continue right past the showers you'll find a broken shower with a crack in the room. If you picked up all the potions in the Beagle potion shop you should have lube! Use it to squeeze through the crack and take a crack at the sliding puzzle, so that you can bone the sexy statue and obtain the fire stone, which'll be used later (after exiting the gym, you can head left to the laundry room and grab some latex detergent, this is important)

Step 4! this ones mega easy, if you have acquired the chastity potion you can stand in front of maxi and click on your backpack and click the aforementioned potion, if done correctly you can see how maxi treats her darling stump! 

Step 5, heading right from maxi you will find the drawing room! interact with the fireplace to eventually enter it and take on the gargoyles challenge of making them your little bitch! Have fun! After that, you should obtain the second emblem.

Step 6, head up the stairs in the drawing room and interact with the cute bunny all the way to the right. this will prompt you to find a vip card. To find it hard back to the gym and whilst in front of the gym start heading right until ur in the pond area, you should see a huge plaque-like sign with a bunch of patrons (go patrons!) a cutscene will play where you will acquire the VIP card and slip into the club! heading all the way to the top on either side should be a bulletin board with some freaky games to play, have fun! (when leaving the club interact with the giraffe that is too the right of the hallway in front of the big door, give him back the card, this is important for later)

Step 6.5, you may have noticed a funky-looking character in the club at the left hand side at the bottom of the walking lane (or whatever the strippers are on) they will ask for Hypno candy, if you have it, hand it to them. make sure you obey now! you need that 100%!!!

Step 7, you should be able to waltz into that big door you walked past to get into the club, simply put the two tablets you gained from the gargoyles and have a nice time going through the rooms, this part is straightforward.

Step8, now for the weirdo part. Go back to your room and take a nap, you will have a tentacle nightmare! after leaving your room people should be outside to the right talking about weird dreams, talk to maxxi and he will give you a necklace. Going back to your floor and heading right you should find a weirdly empty space on the wall. go into your inventory and select the pendant, a door should appear. going in (before interacting with the bed) raid the closet for a new outfit! looking snazzy!! you can now interact with the bed and talk to the succubus hiding underneath. will get back to him later.

Step 9, we've got some things to do before the succubus plotline! If you have already tooken the cute goat outta Beagles you should find them in the drawing room, where they will ask you to bully them in the gym, don't forget to take the potion outside the gym too to make the roleplay extra frisky! 

Step9.5 heading back to the succubuses room there should be an open sign outside it, go inside and see how he's doing, after exiting the room the gargoyle cutscene should happen, follow the two on their silly chase to get another cutscene!

Step 10!!!!!!! go to the drawing room and ask the dilf to watch the rope example. after this cutscene, you should be locked out of that room since they want privacy, but FUCK their privacy, instead, we are going too go back to the front desk and head up the stairs, going to the right and down the other flight of steps will cause you to see something extra frisky!

Step10.5, Ghost fucking time!~ head back tyoo the entracne of beagles potions and head tyoo the room where you gave the man his water, head into the broom closest and attempt to steal there outfits! After the cutscene talk to the ghost closest to the door, and a new cutscene will play, have fun!!!!!!

Step 11 if you haven't yet you should've run into a woman and her big pet bear! To complete this storyline, go back to the plaque or the pond room, and head down the flight of stairs going downwards on the left-hand sign. You should meet a blacksmith down there in dire need of help! He will give you the description of the person you need. heading back up you should encounter a cutscene of little red hot and Maxxi fighting, red hot will run off to the bathroom. fuck her bear toy and the cutscene should play atomatically!

Step 12, head back to the succubus's room and talk to him, a cutscene will play, WALK back to your room and follow that cutscene as well. To collect the cummies you must interact with the couple fucking in the gym, next go back down to the room where you where first fucked aka the punishment room, and steal some cum outta the bastard who fucked you, next go outside the gym and collect the rest of the cum from the white snake who sold you the muscle juice. Give this to the succubus and enjoy your new room!

Step 13 was not done yet! go into your inventory and select the growth potion, after selecting the anal beads potion, have fun~~~.

Step 13.5 last but not least, go back to the pond area, there should be a walkway that leads to the pool, and there should be an asshole floating in the water, "tripping on the spilled water” on the top of the water and find out you have a kink for inflatable transformation!

And that should be it! If you have any questions, ask me! I'll try to answer them too the best of my abilities 



Loving the game thus far, very cute. is there any way to get the horse water, i keep freaking out everytime i see him thinking hes gonna die :sob: