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Radioactive Elephant

A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback :)
We discovered quite a few bugs last-minute (poor time management :D) we'll try to fix them in the future :)

Thank you :)
We've also been working from home for the past year and a half so that's where the idea originated :D The game definitely needs some improvements so thank you for the feedback.

Visuals are awesome and gameplay itself is pretty fun. Not sure if it's my PC but camera is stuttering a lot when moving.

The graphics are beautiful, the palette you used is absolutely amazing, I also loved the Limbo vibes this has. Gameplay is very enjoyable and pretty difficult :D Aiming is kinda weird, maybe it would be better to be able to aim using the mouse. Overall, wow :)

Daisy should definitely stay :D Loved the story, gameplay is also very fun, the music is awesome. The only thing I didn't like was that those little shurikens were kind of hard to spot being grey on a grey background.

"Good luck getting your deposit" 
Loved that :D
Generally a fun game, would definitely benefit from having more appliances, it's a bit repetitive after a while. Using tab to switch rooms is also a bit frustrating until you get used to it.

Thank you for your kind words! :)

We are aware of one big game breaking bug, unfortunately it was caused by last minute feature edit by me (programmer), and found just after the deadline, so we can't do anything about it. However we really want to fix it and upload version with all of the features and content we imagined, so stay tuned after the jam ends!

Thank you!

Thank you :) The game was supposed to be longer with more levels and more encounters but we ran out of time. A boss fight with the Bro was also planned but had to be cut. I agree that the platforming was useless now since the game is so short, maybe it would make more sense if it was longer.
Anyway, thanks again for this comment, you might be the sole reason for us to make a proper game from this idea :D

Thank you :)

Thank you :) There were supposed to be more levels and encounters but we ran out of time.

Super fun to play :) Walking speed when squished is a little bit frustrating but I love the mechanics.