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Daniel Hopkins

A member registered Dec 17, 2021

Recent community posts

The walls we're originally planned to be cartoony bubbles but we were on a time crunch.

As for the turning, we should've mentioned it in the help option on the title screen.


Hello, I am the sound designer for this game. If you would like to listen to any of the music for this game click this link here:

Thank you.

This was a game created in 5 days and while I don't know these developers personally and didn't work on the game myself but I think it is really well made for 5 days of work and definitely one of the brightest games in this competition.

I understand your critique of it being a bit too heavy on the walking aspect but I disagree that it is abysmal. I had fun seeing all the different routes and the background ambience was very calm and soothing.

As for the cones being submerged into walls, it most likely wasn't a large priority for the short time period of this game.

I can see a lot of love and care put into this.

I can answer your questions.

The cutscenes are representative of the game, game cutscenes do not need to be exactly like the gameplay, our artists worked very hard to make those cutscenes specifically 2D so that we could add variety.

''What do these walls mean?'' I do not understand this question, the walls are there to stop you from swimming outside the map and falling through the floor.

''Why are there barrels?'' This is a random obstacle choice as barrels are often associated with pirates and the ocean, they originally glowed green as to represent toxic waste barrels that get dumped into the ocean but this messed with the lighting a bit and almost looked like you were supposed to run into it.

''Why doesn't my fish turn 90 degrees when the game does?'' Because it is an intentional game feature to press 'A' and 'D' to move the fish at the right time to turn with the level, if this wasn't a feature the game would be more bland and easy, also there is a higher chance you could die even when your score is high which adds intensity to the game.

''Why does the fish explode?'' Because it's very funny.

The looping aspect is the circle of life, the cutscenes explain that you start as a bottom feeder eating parts of a dead tiger shark, then you get eaten and play as a barracuda, then get eaten again and play as a tiger shark, then when you inevitably die after getting as high a score as possible the final cutscene shows the dead shark falling to the bottom of the ocean and the game loops back to the bottom feeder fish coming to eat the dead tiger shark. That is how the game loops.

Hope this answered all of your questions.

Love the idea of the game but the game in itself needs more content and things to do, the walking sound is a bit loud when you sprint too.

Add more things to do in the future but otherwise really good :)

Haha it was a running joke within our group to change the title of the game file every time, since we had 2 developers working on the same game we had to send the downloadable files on a Google drive and at one point we had 2 different game files so that's our bad. 

Thank you so much for your review, it really helps the morale :)

Sorry about that, you have to tap the button at the right time, if you tap it too early it wont turn. Also I've heard from some people if you hold the button it doesn't turn either which is a bug but it doesn't happen to me. Hope this helps.

Hello, I am the sound designer for this game. If you would like to listen to any of the music for this game click this link here:

Thank you.

Love the music