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A member registered Apr 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Which version did you tried? I know that HTML version don’t work (Idk why), but I reckon Windows and Mac version works 

I’d say that music is not that great too. This is 1st time I’ve made music and used it in my game. Restart button may be strange, but it just restart game by reloading scene. Btw thanks for feedback 😁

(1 edit)

Thanks for feedback. I’ve actually came up with an idea for 2 new enemies and I’ve made them. I’m just waiting for Jam to end to upload new version. If you wanna know 1st enemy is shielded. (More HP but slow) and 2nd is teleporter which just teleports to you (this one pretty much changed everything). 

I understand that some people may have difficulties with understanding some aspects of this game, but I reckon they understood it when playing further. Hope you enjoyed my game! 😁

Thanks for feedback. I thought of adding some more power ups but I didn't have time to do that. More enemies? I may add some new, but I don't think I'll change this meter mechanic. I would need to change core mechanic and since everything is based on this mechanic I'm not able to do that