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Rafa Arruda ;

A member registered Mar 09, 2023 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Is it possible some community copies?

I am a supporter through backerkit and I cannot access the Welcome Pack PDF, only the main book.

Could we have new copies for the community?

1, 2 and 6 for me! 🙏

community copy for a poor roleplayer?

Will all releases be in English? Will the Plus version also be in English?

Looking forward to datapack 02

The work looks amazing!

I'm in Brazil and our money is worthless. Would it be possible to send copies to the community after every few sales?

Would it be possible to have a lightweight file for use in the cloud? Maximum 20mb?


Excellent! That's really cool!

Another thing, have you thought about a digital version with the text in regular orientation and information arranged so that it can be opened on a cell phone?

Amazing work! Are you interested in having this material translated into Brazilian Portuguese? I would love to translate it if I can get the layout files.

I think you're on the right track with all these ideas! 

Please also grace us with a character sheet for Mythic Bastionland!

A5 version with double column would be a total blast!

I use it directly from the cloud, via Google Drive, so this option doesn't appear.

(1 edit)

It would be immensely useful to have a table of contents that links to the corresponding pages, as the content is large and modular.

Excellent update of the rules. However, I still really miss a version with text in two columns that is easy to view on a cell phone screen.

Hey friend,

I'm from South America and my money is worth little, every dollar costs 6 of my money. The PDF is too expensive for me. Would it be possible to get a discount?

149mb? Is an optimized and reduced version possible?

140mb? Is an optimized and reduced version possible?

I'm soooooo excited to try it!

Can we have a reduced and compressed version of the PDF?

Projeto Incrível!

I'm very excited!

Why doesn't the PDF have cover art?

Você é um amigo, amigo.

Existe o PDF de uma versão em português?

Caraca meu amigo! Que trampo bacana! Se precisar de ajuda e quiser alguma parceria para escrever alguma parte, estamos aí!

Incredible project! Please keep improving!

I would also like to know...

Excellent project! If you need any help, count on me!

I bought the book here through Itch, this file will be updated in the same way as the file from those who supported the digital promise through Kickstarter, right?

Dude, your work is incredible! Have you ever thought about working on a character sheet for Cypher System?

Cypher urgently needs a minimalist sheet with good design! Think about it please! Your talent on a character sheet for Cypher System would be spectacular!

I really enjoyed your work! Excited to test it!

30 dollars is equivalent to 150 brazilian money for me :(

if you happen to get a discount, let me know. The project looks incredible!

Where is the PDF? 🧐

(2 edits)

Dude, your project is amazing! But please, you urgently need a better layout! Maybe in A5 format, with two columns, or something like that, for better visualization. Reading your project on cell phone is hell.

Seria interessante uma ficha um pouco mais amigável para impressão. Seria possível?

Hello friend! First say I love your work

1. Do you have plans to improve the layout of the book? I read the PDF mainly on my cell phone and the visualization is very impaired. The font is small and the page is large, very uncomfortable to read, especially in the parts where the text is not placed in two columns. I'm a layman, but I think the game would benefit from A5 formatting and text always in two columns. At least be inspired by Cairn 2e formatting.

2. I own the game purchased from DTRpg. Would it be possible to access it here as well? I prefer to follow the evolution of the game through itch. My email is

Many thanks for your amazing work!