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Rafael Dias

A member registered Jun 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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I got a score of 47!

It would be nice if when more than one monster can be attacked at the same time you either attack both or the one that is closer. Sometimes I would input a number and snipe a monster outside of the view while one with the same value was about to take me.

I like the way it goes Pew.

(1 edit)

Now that makes a lot of sense! I find it a bit hard to draw the constelations, but the actions they do look cool!

Nice game! I had a lot of fun playing it. For some feedback: Level 15 and 27 were easy to cut corners, level 31 has a bug were you can get to powers. Some of the levels have too much busywork where you just go back and forth. I also feel there are too many levels, I think the game would be better with half the levels.

Nice game, but I got a bit lost on what I was really doing. Sometimes the druid will throw projectiles at the asteroids, and sometime the forest grows, but I'm confused if I there is an specific way I should draw. Should I just connect all stars? Is there some order to it or could I just scribble? The position of the druid impacts the drawing or are they two different systems? Should I connect all of the stars or could I make a more just the internal shape for a less powerful something?

It's quite hard to play the webgl version, after some tinkering I was able to use the card by draging it to an specific point out of the game window.

Also the random nature of the draw make it so sometime you don't have an option, it would be nice if there was a system to burn the cards you dont want, or shuffle your hands.

The aesthetics are on point

Wizards have to have their hats. I was hoping to make it a bit hard to get the notebooks, but not so much it becomes a rage game.

I also agree the game could be smaller, And the game is the best when you have to fight, but it's a bit easy to just run from enemies, maybe if some rooms closed to make you fight, or there was some type of enemy thatlimits your movement more people would enjoy the combat more.

All togheter,  it was a nice game

I also agree the game could be smaller, And the game is the best when you have to fight, but it's a bit easy to just run from enemies, maybe if some rooms closed to make you fight, or there was some type of enemy thatlimits your movement more people would enjoy the combat more.

All togheter,  it was a nice game


Thanks! It was a kind of story board I drafted as I was thinking what the game would be. It doubled as game art that actually looks way nicer than I expected.

I lost the time by 2 minutes. It´s understandable if it late submissions are locked. But would also be super cool to have 15 minutes.

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