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A member registered Mar 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Alright thanks! I'll check it out.

Yeah I deleted it in between updates. I don’t have much storage on here to save it forever. I usually go between games when I’m done with them. 

Pretty obvious that money is tight.

FYI if you really want to know I got this phone at a Kroger. I'm having a tough time with money right now.

(1 edit)

Well I have the space, but the device I use I bet probably doesn't have the tech capabilities that you listed. Thanks for the explanation.  Any chance you can make it accessible for all devices? I used to be able to run it before the update. 

Hey on my android download when I tapped on Velma's character it took me to a loading screen and then kicked me out. I've tried everything. Anyone have any suggestions?

Any chance you'll have one for Android? Would love to see that!

thanks man that definitely did it. Love your work! Keep up the fantastic job! 

Did the same for me man... Dunno why though.

Any chance you could work on Gwen's when your done? Would love to see that be done!