Absolutely! This will be easier than trying to read my handwriting:
Shortsword of Invulnerable Will (-6, -1)
+1 to attack rolls
+1 to first attack roll on your turn
Buckler of Barbaric Torture (+1, +4)
Enemy attacks with disadvantage
FLEE once per floor
Breastplate of Inexorable Torture (+3, +4)
If Enemy rolls [1], it takes +2 damage
Turnshoes of Unstoppable Hellfire (+5, +5)
Exploding 6 on attack rolls
Frighten: +1 to enemy attack target
Amethyst Amulet of Barbaric Fearlessness (+1, +6)
+5 max HP
Gamble: double damage to whoever has more damage each round
Parry: if attack roll is [6], take no damage
Sapphire Ring of Indefatigable Resolve (+6, -3)
Strong enemy adds +1 to attack roll
If I did the math right, after Floor 3 I have 15 max HP, 29 damage, -16 protection, +1 on attack rolls, and the enemy has an attack target of 5 instead of 4.
Combat feels easy and goes quickly. After a few rooms, my damage was enough to wipe out any enemy with one shot. I was going to skip straight to Floor 5, but I realized if I play through I’ll have many more chances to get some super powered loot. Generating the new equipment and strategizing the replacements became the most fun part of the game. I can see things getting really interesting by the time I reach floor 5 or 6!
Remembering all of the equipment effects is a little daunting. I'm thinking next round I'll try adding a list for my effects and the enemy's at the top of the combat page (where I sketch out each floor and track HP for each combat).