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A member registered Sep 13, 2021

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I am so grateful to have stumbled upon this gem, and moreso for all the comments that convinced me to play it.   It feels only appropriate to now leave one of my own, in hopes that it contributes to someone else discovering this short and wonderful experience.  

As a queer and neurodiverse person, almost every line of this spoke to me on a visceral level.  I saw a lot of my past self in the protagonist, and it was chilling in its familiarity.  I can't remember the last piece of media that left me feeling so, so very seen for what every moment felt like growing up.  

The demon, meanwhile, reminded me a lot of  the cold and impersonal state of dissociation that was always watching out for me, and took my hand when I was breaking.  Its presence was a comfort that I didn't understand, but could always return to.  

I felt so much of this reflected in the way these characters related to one another. And it made me really think... if someone could write and create something so familiarly relatable, then I must have really been a lot less alone in all of this than I had always felt back then. 


For anyone who reads this and can relate to these words:  You're less alone than you likely realize.  We all are.   

I hope that you'll take the time to enjoy this piece of thoughtfully created media, and I hope that it fills you with the same quiet peace that it did for me.

And thank you to the author, for making this enjoyable for free so that more folks who may find comfort in it have the opportunity <3

This app is great! Easy to figure out, and lots of fun. Really just what I was hoping to find!

Also a note to the excellent dev:  I was looking into the false positive malware thing since this did get flagged and quarantined by Malwarebytes, and I found an article that suggested ways to deal with that which shouldn't cost money hopefully.  So here's that, just in case it may help:

You're the absolute best, thanks a ton!  I appreciate your helping me out!

When I try to either add or replace an image, the Path thing won't let me navigate to anywhere but the default "user://" thing.  I can't navigate it to any of my sprites.  

Am I doing something wrong?  Did I miss something obvious?  Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

Lower in the comments, another user posted a downloadable patch that makes it work! 

Thanks to Seneca for posting this.  The game will open in French but you can change it over to English right after the brief intro.  

This game was a sobering gut punch, and especially powerful considering that I got it from the Ukraine bundle.  

Definitely a worthwhile experience, and I'm glad that I played it.  It's good to be reminded of how important it is to be compassionate with people in impossibly difficult situations, and to be reminded of how refugees are so, so much more than what circumstances present them as.  They're whole entire people, with lives that they've left behind, who are facing impossible things just trying to find a safe place to build a future.  

This game puts that front and center, and lingers with you after you've finished playing.  And I appreciate that.

Works great for me, thank you so much!