Thank you for working so hard, despite your difficult situation. Stay safe out there, alright? <3
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Thank you! In the past games oxpuppy made we noticed that the maps were often fairly rough in appearance, so this time we are really trying to focus more on the maps and on more content. As such most mapping is currently done by me, while oxpuppy focuses around setting up all events, splitting up the workload and allowing us to go more in depth. We will also try to add custom tilesets to our game and technically already have with the pole tilesets for the dancers. If you are interested in the game, you can always join our discord server:
I am sorry, oxpuppy forgot to rename the file to clearly indicate that it is a demo. However, we would also like to remind you that we are not obligated to clearly indicate the version of the game within the file's name. We will try to do so in the future, but no promises can be made here, as we can simply forget to name it properly, due to us being busy or due to us working on the game.