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A member registered Jun 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sorry friend :(, I haven't been working with new, or updating plugins :(

O tá ficando legal parabéns sr. Vicente. 

 Ajustes para serem feitos, quando o jogador pula na parede ele tá ficando preso, era bom ele deslizar.

A transição dos mapas está muito repentina, puxa a orelha do Manolloz para mostrar umas transições legais entre os mapas.

Parabéns e sucesso!

Hello friend! Sorry, but I'm not working on new plugins anymore :( 

Hello! It is complete already friend, it is on the Steam link above, I am currently working on the second one :D!

yes friend! Inside the plugin you can find the terms:
// This software is released under the zlib License.

sorry for the long time to reply, it is because string in programming "\" indicates a escape code, so for rpgmaker text codes you need to double the "\", for example "\\nc[1]" or something like that.

this doesn't seem it has to do with the plugin itself, are you trying to run in a browser or something like that? That is an error from simply the RPG Maker not identifying the first json file (Actor.json)

Hello! Thanks friend!

So it isn't implemented to be used outside of the triple triad card game :/ , there would need to be a work to be done there still

Yes it is completely fine using it commercially, I would only suggest not using Triple Triad as a name on your game.

It is 100% ok to use it commercially because mechanics are not under any copyright, so feel free to use it in your game :), there are 5~6 games commercially today that use this same plugin (or its MV/VX Ace version that I coded previously)

You can find them here :D

Triple Triad (Final Fantasy VIII) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom

Not sure, but I only tested on MZ 1.6 and above I think :/ , not sure if that might be the problem, can you see if any error shows up?

I need to check the plugin to add that function, but you can do it completely by events using a condition to check if the switch is already on :D.

$dataTripleTriad.all_cards[card_Id] Stores the amount of cards of that Id, from there you basically just have to use event conditions :D

I'm not sure, but for MV you can use IAVRA text, it is basically the same idea.

yes you can! :)

MUITO BOM, a melhor parte do jogo é quando você coloca a bomba e explode!

Hey! Sorry for not working active as much on the plugin :( , but I'll try to add that function at any time, anyway if I don't, I really think an experienced coder would know how to do that easily.

In all our plugins we have this :D
* This plugin is under zlib license.

So acording
zlib License - Wikipedia

You don't need to attribute me as long as no one claims it is theirs, but of course if you wish to put me in credits, I would be happy :)

It should be possible, you did the exact same process as you would do on the map? and on the map it works?

yeah :)!

Hello! But it works without it :)!

Hello! There is, if you have the most updated version, there should be a plugin option to use the mouse. If there isn't, I'll try to find a version that has it.

that is strange, it is saying $gameTemp is null, this is rpg maker mz right?

Oh, I didn't see this comment sorry haha, 2 years late :(, I think you already found it, but for those that didn't, Iavra has one for MV

Hey! thanks for the compliments! Do not worry friend haha, if you need any support with the plugin, just tell me! :)

Easy to play, hard to master, join this adventure on an unique card game where you are able to do everything you ever wanted. Collect cards, build your decks, play offline on history mode, challenge your friends online or take on the world in a ranked system!

Kamigami: Clash of the Gods Demo by Raizen (

yes it can friend :)! Only problem is that I didn't quite work it fully, so not all event commands are woring well :(

Hello, awesome work friend! I'll be updating some of the background I use on my game with your excellent work!

Since you asked this is the link to the game I'm making
Kamigami: The Battle of the Gods no Steam (

I made a donation for you friend, and when I release it, I can also send a key to my game if you wish to play it :).

The credit in-game I'll make it for last, but I won't forget to add it there haha.

Okay, I'll check it out, I think that part is working here, maybe it is the new MZ version, I'll let you know what I find out

Thanks a lot friend! I will get it fixed :)!!

thanks a lot friend :3

Hey! Ah I think I need to make a fix for both issues :(, I'll try to fix them asap.

Thanks friend! :)

Hey friend! I will come back to work on that part of the plugin yes! and all event commands, I'm just finishing some things for my personal project first, but I do pretend to come back to this, sorry for the long time

Sorry I only saw after your second post, I have a couple of things to work on it still :/, there is a way to turn on and off in the new version I working on, I will upload them asap!

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hello xD, I replied on your older post, sorry for the long time to answer.

Can you show exactly how you called :) ? Also, there are some plugin commands for the MZ version instead of using the script calls, I'll check if the demo is updated.

Oh, Okay now I understood thanks friend xD. There is actually, 
tripleTriadCheckLastScore() has the last game's score, so you can know if you won or lost, you can use in conditional branches like.
tripleTriadCheckLastScore() > 5 means you won, so you reward him with something.

(1 edit)

Yes, you can use the demo in the download copying all the files and stuff. The other question about the card based battle system is harder for me to answer, you would need to work on top of the triple triad to make both work. :( This plugin is more made towards the triple triad rules and not a more generic card game style

Hey friend! uhm, I didn't quite get the suggestion, if you could explain it once more for me :(