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It’s not compatible, there’s not a way to transfer save files between browser and downloaded versions yet, but it’s something I am working on!

If she is playing in the web browser, her save file is stored in browser cookies, so make sure she has cookies enabled for this page. Otherwise, you can backup saves in the “manage save data” button in the options (only in web browser version for now), and can backup and restore save files that way. Unfortunately, there’s no way to recover a lost save file if she did not previously back it up, I’m sorry :<

They only play with toys if they’re in the mood for it, and their mood changes randomly over time. If they aren’t chasing a toy, try seeing if they will chase your mouse cursor, or they may be in the mood to chase another kitty, or to sit around.

If kitties are bored enough they’ll play with anything except for balls on their own, but they’ll play with any toy if they see it moving (if they’re a little bit bored and they’re in the mood to play with it!)

Kitties are only in the mood to do one “play” thing at a time (playing with toys, chasing kitties, chasing the cursor, scratching things, sitting in a box/bed, etc), so if they aren’t playing with toys they’re just not in the mood at that moment ^^

It’s based on how many toys and scratching posts you have, but has diminishing returns, eventually capping at 21 (but you need hundreds of toys to reach this number), and also using expansion permits increases the cap by 2 each

Yes it is, right now there’s nothing checking if a kitty already is present, it just spawns them totally randomly, so duplicates are possible! But I might change that in a future update so see if you can get doubles now ;3

Kitties take care of all their needs automatically as long as there are ways to do so. They will take care of “Play” in many ways (chasing your cursor, playing with toys, playing tag, etc), they’ll take care of “Clean” by licking themselves, and they’ll take a catnap to fill their “Sleep” bar.

Happy is the only exception, it increases slowly over time as long as their other needs are not empty, but also eating good food, playing with yarn, and petting them will increase their happiness.

I didn’t get a chance to do this for 0.9 but I’ll definitely do it for an update soon :3

Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it ^^ You’re right, I think I overcompensated a bit when I lowered the teaser price, since it’s very good, and fun, and you only ever need to buy one of them, so I’ll probably raise it a bit more (so everyone should buy one while it’s still cheaper! hehe)

I may think about doing so, if I can get help for it! But right now, I don’t really have any systems in place for translation, since most of the text is hard-coded. I’ll try to work over the next few updates to clean that up and prepare it to allow for alternative, translated text, then once it’s ready I’ll reply to your comment again to see if you are still interested in helping ^^ Thank you so much for the offer!

Awwe, that would be sad to see! but I might be able to implement it in a cute, harmless way… Thank you for the idea ^^ I’ll think more about it!

yes! save files are stored separately from the game files that you download, so downloading the new version will load your existing save file just fine

Ahh, I hadn’t thought of that issue happening! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll make sure I fix it for the next patch.

That’s a good idea, I’ve been thinking about that, and it wouldn’t be too hard to do, but I did have to stop myself from getting even more carried away and just release the update hehe.. I’ll see about letting cats re-visit in the next version maybe :3

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any system in place before now for tracking kitties so there was no data to pull from.. Also, right now it only saves the most recent 100 kitties to save space in the save file, and to prevent the list from being way too long, but I might change this (maybe add pages to the list?) after I do some tests and push the limits of the save file in-browser, and such

You can adopt as many cats as you can afford to buy collars for! However, the total number of cats present at any given time is limited. It’s based on how many toys you have, but has diminishing returns until it hard caps at 21 kitties present (though it’s not easy to get that many at once!)

Awe, it’s awesome that you’re curious ^^ the _added are set to true as soon as it adds the data for that category to the save file. So the first time it saves kitties (which is one second after you start the game actually), it sets kitties_added to true. Even if the kitty data is just an empty array!

The reason for those variables is so that the load functions know whether or not they’re reading data loaded from a save file, or data that was just initialized (and set to default values).

The line “if _new_kitties != [] or data.kitties_added == true:” is saying “If the list is not empty, OR the list is empty but the data is from a save file, then go on to delete all the kitties in the map currently (to load the ones from the data in their place).

It technically isn’t necessary for kitties anymore, but for bowls and toys, it’s very important. Without the bowls_added variable etc, there’s no way to know whether it’s trying to load a save file that simply has no data for bowls/toys (because you sold them then saved the game), or if it’s a fresh save file. So you could sell the starting items, reload the save, and it would spawn new ones (or rather, not delete the ones that exist at the start).

Hopefully this is a helpful explanation :3 I’m happy to answer any other questions you may be curious about, and if you want to really get into game development with Godot, feel free to add me on Discord or whatever to chat! I’d love to help you out however I can

(1 edit)

Yes, in the next version I’ve made it easier to pet them, and also much more obvious when you are doing it right ^^ It should be released within a day or two!

Thank you ^^ That’s a neat idea, and I might some day add a physical shop you can visit for special unique items, but I think it would change the game a bit too much if you had to go to the store to stock up on food constantly, hehe

Thank you so much for the kind words and for all the great suggestions!! I’ll probably eventually add most or all of those ideas to the game ^^

The auto-water is meant to be infinite since water is free anyway (and gets a lil tedious to refill), where on the other hand, food is required to attract kitties so I don’t want people to be able to completely idle the game :3

I’m really happy to hear how this game helps you! That alone makes it worth all the work, knowing that it genuinely makes someone’s life better ^^

I won’t spoil the exact magic but it uses a function with diminishing returns. So at first, 1 toy = 1 cat, but once you get more than a few toys, you start needing more and more toys to increase the limit by 1.

There are 12 named fur types (plus striped variants of most of them), but as for different colors? Practically infinite!

Pastel and Colorful kitties can be any color (though their fur label doesn’t specify), but every fur color is randomized within a set range, so no two kitties have the exact same fur color.

Awe, thank you so much <3 I’m really happy you’re enjoying the game ^^

There’s not a way to rename kitties right now, but it’s something I’ve thought about.. but if I do end up adding it, it’ll be pretty expensive! A big part of the fun is discovering the silly randomly generated kitty names as they arrive ^^

I’m not sure how that could work, with how the shop functions right now.. but I have a shop rework on my to-do list, and I’ll definitely consider figuring out how buying in bulk could work when I do that! Thank you for the suggestion ^^

Awe, your place looks great ^^ The next version is well underway and will be ready very soon! (Unless I keep getting carried away adding new features like I have been for the past few days…)

Haha thank you for the reminder, I appreciate it! I definitely need it :3

The limit is based on how many toys you have! Buy more toys and scratching posts and stuff, and that will allow more kitties to be present at once :3

Those are a bunch of lovely ideas, I’ll write them down and see what ends up working out ^^ Definitely will add at least some of those, thank you! <3

Awe, it’s lovely that you’re enjoying the game that much <3

You’ll be happy to hear, for the next update I’m aiming to add a bunch of new decorations and stuff to buy!

Also, expansions are already in the game! If you buy the Exp. Permit from the shop, you can expand your playable area to the left or right, but to the left just extends the area you have (no different rooms or anything yet, just space)

If you have any specific toys or furniture you want to see in the update, let me know and I’ll definitely consider it ^^

Thank you! ^^

I fixed that (as well as a handful of other bugs and added save data management) in version 0.8.1 yesterday :3

Awe, I’m so happy that you’ve been enjoying it ^^

The cats can be a bit dopey sometimes, but.. honestly that’s kinda how real cats are! haha

I can add hairless cats, but I feel like just a color type wouldn’t really convey their vibe very well and I’d have to make a whole new set of sprites and animations for them which is quite a bit more work, but it’s something I’d like to do eventually!

The next big update is going to be focusing mostly on lots of new decorative items you can buy! I’m already hard at work on it :3

I can totally add keyboard shortcuts! I’d like to implement key rebinding if I do, though, so it might not be right away. But it’s a great idea!

Awwe, I love every single one of them! <3 Thank you for sharing!

(2 edits)

(Edit: I’m sorry! I looked at the math and there actually is a hard cap of 21) It’s based on how many toys and scratch-able things (posts, cat grass, sofas) you have, but there are diminishing returns.

But you’re right! Expanding your area should definitely permanently boost the limit, I’ll add that in the next version ^^

I’ll definitely consider more ways to make the game more automated for those who want it in future updates! For now, you can use multiple of the new auto-feeders to hopefully keep your kitties fed ^^

You already can ^^ Hover your mouse over their head (don’t click) and move it left and right.

On android, it’s a little un-intuitive at the moment; touch and hold above their head (don’t pick them up), then slide your finger down over them, and drag left and right quickly all without lifting your finger (it will move the screen too, but it will pet them!)

Names above kitties’ heads are just colored to match their main fur color, but if their fur type is “Colorful” then yes, those are pretty rare! They have about a 2.5% chance to visit :3

Awwe, I’m sorry TwT

In hindsight, I should have implemented a way to refund people if I ever change prices.. I think in the next version I’ll do that, just in case!