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A member registered Jan 18, 2021

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(1 edit)

I enjoyed the game, it had a creepy atmosphere and the voice acting was fun. I also liked when the mood shifted. My only suggestion would be maybe make the ending hold for just a little bit longer. It didn't really quite register when I was playing. Other than that, good job! I'll put my playthrough down below if you want to watch. 

(1 edit)

Hey! I really enjoyed the game. I went into it thinking it would be quick with some spooks, but it actually kept me engaged with the storytelling and the soft mechanics (not sure of a good word). 

I did have some bugs during my playthrough, which I mention in my video, but since that's pretty long I'll go into them here as well. 

  • I'm not sure if there was supposed to be sound, but I didn't have any. 
  • There were a couple spelling/grammar mistakes
  • When reading the section from the book, the bottom cut off on my screen and I couldn't see the option to return (which is what I'm assuming was there). I tried changing my browser size/refresh the page, but ended up having to clear my cache and restart the game. 
  • Not a bug, but I would have loved to see more of the 'interactions' with the story, like the light effect.

Overall, I really liked the storytelling and the message, so good job!

I wouldn't mind! Just let me know when you're ready for one :)

Really enjoyed it! Fun concept, I like the idea of having to be careful with the characters old age haha. I also thought the mechanics were fun. Some of the writing was a little off, but still understandable. Really excited to see the full game!

Here's my playthrough. I did have some issues about the movement and mouse sensitivity. It was a little difficult to get around at times, but doable.  I go a little more into detail in the video, more towards the end!

Of course!

Playing this a little late. I enjoyed it! I was a little lost at point and the controls were a little hard to get (trying to jump onto the moving platform is the best example), but not impossible. I love the music and the colors though!

Your game starts at 6:22 if you're interested.

Not a bad game! I was expecting more jump scares haha, but I was okay with what was there. I can see this concept turning into a really cool game too. 

Your game starts at 2:19 if you're interested!

Hey! I played your game and enjoyed it. Definitively short so there isn't really too much commentary to make... It did throw me off that the game didn't have a start menu though. Other than, it was fun and I got the concept. Your game starts off the video, btw!

Hmm, I don't think so. Idk if I said it in this video, but I tend to miss A LOT of small details lmao! So I think that was more of a user thing than a game thing. 

This was amazing. I really like the difference in animation styles! The whole game looked really clean in terms of UI too.

 I fell in love with the menu lol. Also, I had probably one of my most genuine scares playing. Amazing job with the atmosphere, I think you definitely reached your intended goal.

I played this game last night and it was really fun! Liked the art style and the puzzles were the perfect difficulty. Also, the music and the girl scared me a few times haha. 

I did get stuck on the 'keys' one, but that ended up being my own fault lol. 

Good game, very short, but it definitely made me feel uneasy so good job with that!

Really liked the game. There were a few rough mechanics, but overall I did enjoy it. Plus what a story lol. 

Really liked it. Cool concept and fun to go through. Good job!