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A member registered Jul 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I’d really want to play more games and provide feedback but unfortunately I’m not home this weekend. I’ll give it a try when I get back!

Hey, thanks for the feedback! Something came up on Friday and I couldn’t work on the game that day, so I had to rush the beginning part and I couldn’t polish the game as much as I wanted. Even with that I don’t think I would’ve managed to make a 3rd boss plus polish, I was a bit too ambitious with the project 😅. 

There are definitely areas I need to get more practice in tho, and I’ll keep them in mind for the next game! 

Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad to hear you liked it! I wanted to spend the last day of the jam polishing stuff, but something came up and I had to rush a finished product.

I learned some stuff tho that I’ll put in practice for the next game 💪🏻.

Thanks! Graphics/visuals are definitely something I need to practice more 🙌🏻

Happy you enjoyed it :D

Thank you, glad you liked it :D

Glad you enjoyed it 🙌🏻

Thank you! :D

I won! Can you also try my game? :D

Pretty enjoyable game, I got 184 on my first go!

Had fun playing this!

Nice game!

I liked the intro!

The trees sometimes mask blocks.

Fun game!

I had fun with this game, didn't finish it tho. The character also looks nice.

I think increasing the time gained would help, it became a bit repetitve farming coins for upgrades.

Also having "-" before the numbers is a bit confusing, I thought I had negative money from losing at the start.

Fun game! 

The fire can go behind the bar on the bottom.

Visually the game looks really good!

The controls are a bit wacky, I think lowering the turn rate or not conserving momentum when turning would help.

Great art/music. Takes a bit to get used to the controls but once you get it it's fun to play.

Fun to play and simple to get into. I like the music, would lower the volume on the sound effects a bit and would show the score while playing. Beides that I enjoyed it!

Oh, I forgot to add that you can rotate items with the scroll wheel in the description. Thank you for pointing it out.

Thank you!