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A member registered Jan 20, 2017

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If the "setting" includes something along the lines of "replace valid type list with fire, water, and grass. No secondary types are permitted" or "only permit normal type" it will usually do so. Though it sometimes partly or entirely ignores you.

(4 edits)

Helpful. And yea, damage/stats with tooltips saying how defense/attack works would be nice.

Once you craft something, if you select both component items, it should show the result before you craft it, so you don't have to remember.

The game needs a restart/generate new option, and maybe a save preset option. Also a lookup database with all learned stuff.

For extentions to mechanics.

Add a lightweight buff system, letting you gain a few set buffs. Speed/damage/defense/etc. Optionally using a generated name, but still just having a few set effects.

A few extra types of attacks/archetypes. Self destruct, debuff (a few set debuffs) and summoning (with a cooldown/population cap) Minecraft themed creeper, or Starcraft themed baneling. Poison bites. Nothing quite as wrong as a suicide monster blowing up in your face repeatedly.

 Warcraft Warlock summoning demon minions. 

Swarmers. Less health, spawn in groups. I see you already have overleveled elites which seem to be stronger entities in the source materials.

Could add a few dozen simple ability type things and then assign. Plenty of enemies or items get flavour which could be mapped to an ability

Also it seems to often get stuck on making literally everything a single type. Not sure if there is a way to nudge the AI into giving a few options then selecting a somewhat nice distribution. I don't care if the prompt is 'My Little Pony', Apples should be normal or grass, not fairy, like literally every other item I ran into lol. Obviously it got stuck on the idea of fairy tales or something.


Might also change typing system. Pokemon kinda depends on you having a large range of types available in attacks, so you can usually have access to a weakness or at least neutral. It is very common to, in the first fight, meet someone super effective to all defense types you have and have not very effective types only to fight them. Using evasion-accuracu and damage-armor might work better, or a smaller system like 4 elements in a circle Fire ->air->earth->water->Fire

Maybe ave enemies drop loot which always matches one of their types, so you tend to at least get a mirror match.

I also poisoned myself with bio regeneration gel in a StarCraft prompt. Probably has to do with it being poison type, but neither the name or flavour suggests that should be the case lol. Just that poison always damages you maybe? Probably shouldn't be the case.

Edit2: Wow this is getting silly long. I got the base prompt from the source files and faffed around with chat gpt a bunch, and it turns out that it has some trouble figuring out if an attack should be kamakazi or not.

Also, typewise, just adding to the setting "Only Fire, Water, and Grass types are permitted" seems to work, and that gave me a nice spread of elements to work with, which have a simple rock-paper-scissors relationship" Didn't really consider before that the setting prompt addition could add extra commands like that, but it works great.

Neat, A few things.

Items should have stats. Is equipment armor? How much damage does X weapon do?

Ranged enemies should use same targeting as you do, either freeform or cardinal.

Movement should include diagonals and maybe use numpad.

Is crafting determined when you first use it, then deterministic afterwards? if so, should display the results when you select two items.

Damage types should show ingame, as in enemies show their strengths and weakness to damage types.