I will wait for Android port <3
Always waiting!
It might be fun!
Anyway, keep the good work
I watch video about this game on YouTube, it look fun! I like bullet hell games and vore.. this game is might be great for me! <3
Wishing it would be port on mobile(i know it's hard but i hope so 😙)
Beat casual, normal, hard and chaos mode don't need to beat milky mode
This game gonna be available on android?... In the future?, I want to play this game so much.. :<
Thank you, i finally unlocked sandbox mode
oh, it's speedrunning time..
is sandbox mode exist?..
where is it...?
But sandbox mode is actually exist right?...
Ok thank
but what about... sandbox mode?
i still don't unlock it...
Nah... There is nothing...
It's randomly?
i did... But why i don't unlock the chaos mode?...
But how to unlock sandbox mode?(chaos?)
"All"??? Also milky mode?
huh, what is sandbox mode? And how i can unlock it?
This game may can't download, but it fun to play...
Also it's okay to play on mobile
The end is actually make me sad a bit 🙁
I wish it gonna be playable on android device tho...I
just wanna see how good is it
Uhhh i know it may hard...
I wish you make it playable on android, im not forcing you... And i hope you will be okay if i said this... (Sorry for bad grammar, i forgot to learn English for almost 6 years)