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A member registered May 30, 2022

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This fixed for me after i reinstalled it

buy it for $5 or buy it for hundreds of dollars? What?

I don't think this is the way to make your point

If you like the game, stop harassing the creator.

Porting across OS's is not easy. Especially to a phone, it instantly requires a lot of effort to map everything out to a different control scheme, much less the different resolutions, etc.

It's more effort. Full stop.

Whether that's why theyre pricing it at $5 or something else, it's not your decision. And they don't have to tell you. It's unfortunate it isn't free. But it's ultimately their decision.

U really need that 5 $ For example, to buy a lot of Coca Cola and drink it alone?

What part of your reply above are you thinking is considerate and thoughtful?

And you realize you started these threads with accusations, right? That almost exclusively starts a conversation off unproductively, and you've only leaned into that from what I'm reading.

And you know exactly the level of effort required to make it and keep things compatible, and their pricing strategy?

Your comment below alludes towards.... no.

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Playthroughs are free to find. Bullying will get you banned.

So you think bullying the creator is the best way to get them to stop asking that people value the work and effort they're putting into the game here?

Interactions like this are a good way to get artists to either block you, or stop creating altogether. If you don't value their work, leave. Playthroughs are free to find.