Hey there I downloaded the android version. Got some feedback for you. Using a Google Pixel 8 Pro.
- The name of the app is "Phonel" not sure if that's intended.
- App opens in landscape mode instead of portrait and even with rotate on it won't flip making everything small and hard to see.
- The first time I opened the app nothing happened. Reinstalling/Reopening I got the first message.
- Touch input on ShareGram was really difficult. Hitting the screen with multiple fingers to get it to move.
- Had a bug where after opening a picture from messages, going to ShareGram that picture was open there...
- Weird gaps in messages, going to assume there should be emojis there which are missing.
QoL feedback:
- It would be nice not having to hit the send button for replies, having them automatic. And for chat bubbles to be different colours send Vs received.
- Opening messages it starts at the last message rather than the first.