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A member registered Sep 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Super clever!

Yeah we had a text bug issue that plagued us till the very end! Glad you enjoyed the game though. We hope to expand the game beyond the game jam scope so the slime wizard power fantasy may live on. Thank you for the feedback.

Yes the flood fill method is definitely the best strategy so far. We will get some balancing in a future update. We tried to incorporate the ghosts as like shades from shadow alchemists but yeah it could of been a bit stronger. Thanks for the feedback.

Appreciate the feedback! We want to expand the core mechanics even further so keep an eye out for a future update.

We will try balance the game a little more in the future. Spamming is definitely the meta right now and yeah we jsut couldnt get rid of that text bug before submission. Thanks for your feedback.

Slimey, Indeed!

We will try and get the SlimeDex into the game and a more gradual tutorial. We hope to expand on the current proejct so thank you for the feedback.

Thank you! We appreciate the feedback hope fully we can build on the core mechanic further.

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback. We will try a more gradual tutorial and try expand on the foundation of the game. Keep your eye out for an update. 

We didnt noticed the stuck left room bug after we already posted haha We will sort it our in future. thank you for the feedback and keep your eye out for a future update.

We just couldnt get the text bug fixed in time. We hope to add a tutorial and maybe a combination journal to the game aswell. Thank you for the feedback

Balancing in bound haha the army meta is real.

Boss and ending is in the works for the future thank you for your feedback. We also plane to do a lot more balancing with the enemies.

My little leeegs...