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A member registered Jul 02, 2022

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Pretty creepy game! I got a bit lost trying to find the book, but I think I'm horrible at finding my way in the woods! XD Great job!

Pretty awesome game! I haven't seen or heard of the clapper device in quite some time! Pretty cool how it was used in the game! Great job!

I really enjoyed playing this game! It brought back some nostalgia from when I was a kid at a laundromat! The only real difference was that I never experienced anything this scary there! Awesome job!

You definitely got me with that ending! 10 out of 10! Can't wait to play the next game! Great job!

Sorry I think I'm just a bit slow in realizing certain things. I kept expecting “the heart of the machine” to be a card that would pop up, but I should have understood that it wasn't right away. It took me a while lol! XD

Was the "win' screen something different that I didn't get to see or experience? That way if it was I can replay it! :D

The boss was a bit tough, but I kept thinking I had to run out their cards to win. Maybe I was pushing too hard to win, draining my blood faster? You could always make it tougher and have it be like a secret final final boss! 

The kind flower was just being extra kind to the enemy too! XD 

Amazing work with an amazing team!

I really enjoyed playing your game! It was pretty fun trying to figure out which combination of cards worked the best, and the characters were quite funny! It took me a good while, but I beat the BloodGod! I used a weird strategy, but it worked and I won my freedom! Awesome job!

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What a weird game! Here I was thinking I was just gonna be delivering some milk, but some weird people kept showing up and man that ending was quite the surprise! It took me a few tries to get the second ending, but I got it! Great job! 

Thank you, I really enjoyed the game! Thank you for making it!

I liked this game! It's short, but it gets to the point! One of the endings was quite a surprise! I never expected it to happen! Great job!

Always a fan of your work! It's weird, quirky, and quite amazing what you've come up with! A definitely creepy, but not scary game that will make you feel tense and anxious! Awesome job!

Thank you for making such an interesting game!

I really enjoyed this game! You had me thinking that it was heading in a certain direction for the most part, and then bam! The ending was quite a shocking twist! Awesome job!

I really enjoyed playing this game! It makes me wonder what other poor souls were taken and messed with in the torture house, and who is the crazy looking guy too?! Can't wait to play chapter 2! Great job! 

I really enjoyed the first chapter of the series! My favorite part was definitely the raccoon, and I hope we get to see more of them in the second chapter! The story so far is very intriguing, and I can't wait to see where it leads! Awesome job! 

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Really enjoyed the game and experience! It only makes you feel anxious for a short while! XD I wonder if the person got killed after watching the tape, or was knocked out and a new tape was made with them? Would love to play more! Great job!

Thank you for making such an interesting game! I'll definitely be hopeful for a sequel or prequel! :D

Really enjoyed the game! Underwater games always give me the creeps! I just wonder what happened to the tech after the ending! Great job!

Pretty awesome following the first leaked tape! I've played them all and I gotta say I'm hooked! I can't to play the next one that's released and I hope many more come out! Very interesting story and I have to find out what happened to Valerie! Awesome job!

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I really enjoyed the game! I love PSX horror games, and this definitely fits the bill! I won't spoil anything, but there were quite a few jumpscares that got me when I least suspected they would! I also thought it was heading in a certain direction story wise, but was quite surprised with the ending! I was made to feel, and you too will feel. you feel normal. Awesome job!

Thank you! I really did enjoy playing the game! 

I think those things add to the difficulty, but if you feel like change is necessary you are the creator! 

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Really enjoyed the game! It's like a huge maze that kept changing and confusing me! I managed to beat it after a few hours though! It's definitely  a bit hard with the placement of the bad guy since he pops up when you least expect it, but it's very manageable! Having to start over again from the beginning when you die is a bit maddening, but I think it adds to the difficulty of the game! Awesome job!

Managed to beat it! It's quite a long video, so I hope I'll be able to upload it by later today ! 

Thank you, you're too kind!

These games have been quite a blast to play, so I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next!

Thank you so much for making the game! It's always awesome when a nightmare or fear is brought to life in a game! It always makes me feel like I'm reliving it, but it a fun way! 

Thank you! Thank you for making a nightmare come true! XD

What a horrifyingly claustrophobic game! You can only move forward?! That's crazy scary! I really enjoyed the terrifying experience! I'll make sure to never crawl into a cave system in real life! Awesome job!

Man the feeling of being in the water and it going over you face was bringing back terror memories of almost drowning.! It's a pretty scary thought, but I really liked the game! Did not expect the ending! Great job!

I like the premise, but it's way too short! How did it begin? Who was that person? Is it a nightmare or reality? I need to know more! XD 

Really enjoyed the game! Horror games where you play as a streamer or vlogger are some my favorite horror type games! I do wonder if it was really a fever dream... Great job!

Nice! I was one of those kids that would always run to the bathroom and turn on the lights as fast as possible at night! The light switch was no where near my room of course, and the run back from the bathroom was just as heart racing! This game is just like that, but in game form! Enjoyed the game plenty! Great job!


Very much!

I gotta say I did not see that ending coming! Quite a twist!  Great job!

Not bad for your first game! I really liked their favorite show, and I'm sad about the ending! I wonder if there's more to this than what we've just played! I mean, there must be a reason why he targeted them! Great job!

Video is up and working now!

I'll try it again later when I get a chance!

The TV plays a video?! I thought it was just there for show or like to activate the next part of the game! XD

Something went wrong with the video on my end, and I'm not sure if it's working or not, so I'm gonna reupload it and hopefully get it to work!

No problem, I really enjoy playing your games!

No worries, I really enjoy your games!