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A member registered Mar 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Well deserved, you do some great work over here :)

The game in question is already ready to play, I feel like it's a bit cheeky to add a link to my stuff in someones else's comment section but if you'd like to give it a go or check out the trailer, take a look at my profile.

This is a tough game but a lot of fun to play. Really love the light ball mechanic. Kerja bagus! 

Thanks Kard Kardus, a boss fight is exactly the vibe I was aiming for. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing! 

Love the look of this game, I’ll definitely be trying out next time I’m at my desk. The animation looks fantastic, I love how you just smoosh your entire body face first into the wall when wall jumping!

I was searching for music for my first title for so long, as soon as I found this collection I knew it would fit perfectly, and it does! Awesome work, I’ll definitely be trying out some of your other soundtracks for my next game.

(1 edit)

Alert! Alert! Wakatron is back and he's preparing to turn your planet into dust, smash his droid army to pieces to save earth and DESTROY WAKATRON once and for all in this deadly game of whack-a-mole!

This is my first title as a solo developer. I have a few years experince as an artist in the industry but  zero coding experince, so in order to get my head around coding I chose a simple project to start with, whack-a-mole! Unlike any whack-a-mole game you've played before, it's fast! It's addictive! It's explody! It's spaaaaaaaace!

Give it a go, if you have any comments or feedback, I'd love to hear about it!


This game looks fantastic! Inspiring stuff