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A member registered Jun 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Somewhat surprised you read through all that but :). also additionally sorry cause i wrote it like 15 minutes after finishing the epilogue and it was like so early in the morning lol. Even thouhg you said you don't plan on making another VN in another comment, I do look forward to seeing whatever else you make in the future! Also great game again i was going to say thank you for making it but that kind of sounds silly but thank you for making it lol

ALSO the barley barely thing, i always thought it was a typo but a comment said something about it being a joke, regardless I kinda liked it and although its not liek anything to be upset about i think itdve been cute if kept in this one too

Just finished the like actual game with all the characters, probably shouldn't have been playing it as much as i was, doing some back to back (though I wish i did Koey's as not the last one, it was fine and a happy note to end on cause i just did Miyah's before lmao) , but i also really wanted to see them all and see their futures with this. I really loved this, so much that i played this all in one night, also probably not a good idea but lol. I like that you didn't just give them all happily ever afters and make everything perfect, I like how Koey's and Doki's go together (kind of funny with the 'the correct choice' and 'the wrong choice' thing). I like how real all the stories were, I liked that even though Popcorn and the main character didnt end up staying together it showed Popcorn grow and try to better himself. I liked Likas, even if I want to imagine the rest of her friends wouldn't be so okay with what was going on, I've like related to it and it was great. Only one i didnt like was Miyahs, I don't know how to feel about her, it's not that i think it shouldnt have gone the route it did, i think it fits what happened before, if anything, I think it should've ended worse for the player, idk I feel like it would've closed a bit better. idk i just dont like her story in either game very much just like disturbing and uncomfortable, and despite not being a fan of it, I'm glad you did it, I'm glad it wasn't just going to really ignore how she was in the first part of the game and i liked how it made the main character even though if i disliked him more than i did normally (i spent the entirety of both parts of the game making fun of him, i like his character more in this but he is so easy to make fun of and thats not like saying hes poorly written i just like couldnt not make fun of him he was a goofball and silly at best and sometimes just a dickbag but i think it worked). Of this game's routes, Koey's was probably my favorite, perfect balance of bitter and sweet, also the new sprites in it are funny. lovely game and like idk ive been working on concepts for a game of my own since the fall and this like reignited a spark of imagination and like made me actually want to do it. I loved the stories and I find it crazy how attached i became to a handful of characters' stories i experienced for a couple of days, i do not think i will find a cuter or better game on this site.