I only downloaded it yesterday, cuz it looked interesting and.....
Holy Hell
I played it all through already and I want to continue it, its a great game, I dont have better words
But fantastic work, I love it a lot
Raven Hoot
Recent community posts
It was a really nice little game
I loved it a lot even if it was short
I hope this game will be expanded into a longer and a better game ^-^
A little side not is that I would put a furry tag to this game, cuz well, these are furries after all XD
But its up to you to put the tag in, tho it would make it easier to find awesome games like this with a tag like that :)
I just found out how to lower the laptop by pressing every key on the keyboard XD
But question, is that stamina store actually supposed to be a "lets fuck with you" thing or its accidental? Cuz when I bought those stamina things, it messed with the controls and with the movement speed. Like when I bought the one for 15 seconds, it happened that my forward button changed to S, at times I couldnt even sprint, and once where I used all of them then my sprinting was slower then the normal walking, and in that same game, I tried to sprint, after that it gave up and my speed became so slow that my battery died in game, even tho it was on half