I've really enjoyed the game so far but have hard to stop playing at the wagon-ride into town scene. The speed that the background moves at is so fast that it gives me nausea. Is there a way that we can get a version that let's us slow-down the scrolling. I'm probably going to play through the section with some paper over the top half of my screen because I do want to finish this, but it would be nice not to have to if I ever come back to play it again.
Cassandra Ravenbrook
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lon. musi mi li nasa. musi mi li toki e ijo tu wan.
ijo wan. mi tonsi la tawa mi pu lawa pu sijelo e meli sama. mi lili la mi pilin sijelo jaki pakala. sike ti wan la mi open e telo meli. mi kepeken palisa lili la mi moku sijelo telo. mi pali mi meli. sijelo mi li suli e nena meli tu. a a a. sijelo mi li jaki pakala ala. pona. ⚧️
ijo tu. mi meli pi olin meli. ⚢
ijo tu wan. nimi musi li pakala. musi "meli sewi tonsi"li nimi "meli seli tonsi" li pakala. meli sewi li sama meli pi sona naka pi pali sewi naka. meli sewi li sama e jan Papa Jaka e jan Selusi e jan Mokana e jan Kiki.
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mi meli sewi tonsi. sina sona ala li sona?