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A member registered Aug 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi. What a neat way to interpret the theme of this jam. I like it. 
I also dig your minimalist art style  - very clean without being sterile. 

The game play was a pretty standard platformer  experience. 

Here, a little indicator or progress bar that shows how many more pieces (polygons?) you need to become a higher shape would be cool. As it is, it feels a bit arbitrary.  But that just nitpicking.

Also maybe you could have added a buffer zone to your jumps that allows for more forgiving jumps.  They weren't particularly hard but some jumps felt as if I should have been able to still jump but instead I fell. 

Thumbs of the Diegetic UI and the voice produced sounds. :)

Well done. 

*Comment Pact Club*

I really liked your graphics style. Added a charming retro feel. 
Points also for the music, very fitting but unfortunately didn't loop.
The random events could have been interesting if they had been spread out more. I got two events immediately after setting sails and then nothing. 

With polish you will have a quite a charming adventure. :)

*Comment Pact Club*

As I struggled to submit my project in time, I submitted an older no quite bug free version of this game. As such, only the first two levels are playable. After completing the second level, the game WILL crash. 

Sorry 'bout that. My bad.