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Yo! Buzz me if you are interested in my proj - https://itch.io/t/3423565/in-dev-town-18-psyhological-horror-latest-update-aug-2...
Need some exstra programmers (now we have only one)
Another Unity programmer had fallen off and we are looking for a new one!
Please don't bother me if you are all just talk!
Waiting for some response guys for a long-term horror VN-Anime style project!
Very good news are coming, but in order not to scare them away, we will not announce them just yet. Meanwhile, the Slavic people continue to disappoint us to this day… Therefore, having described the big fish, today we will share with you the work to which we have devoted our recent time. This work consists of translating, adapting, and finalizing the routes, or more precisely, "branches."
We have already shown you our map before, but only today we decided to talk about it in a little more detail. The reason for this was, of course, the huge amount of work done. Moreover, the finalization of the routes is still ongoing. To make it clearer to you, this huge schedule is needed first of all so that when developing various choices and consequences, romantic connections, and so on — we do not get confused in what is happening up there. Naturally, for players or readers of our "Town," this graphic will not be useful because you simply will not see it.
It is the same as throwing you a walkthrough. And yet, without these graphs, the novel would have acquired many plot dead ends, contextual inconsistencies, and so on. To put it even more simply, without such a graph for each game day and each route separately, Luke Skywalker would never have learned the history of his family.
And now a little more specifics, which can be seen in the screenshots. In particular, we have demonstrated DP and TP. These are the two main types of points with which the player will build his personality.
Some may decide that this is all about romance, about the question of morality, like whether you are bad or good, but… this is not the case here. Our approach to development was initially somewhat more complex and more focused on you as a person than on your morality and love preferences. DP, roughly speaking, speaks about your constructive approach to everything you see, while TP, on the contrary, characterizes you as a person who is led through life by emotions. These are only two main characteristics out of four, but we are not really here to discuss them. By choosing one or another answer, each player builds His Identity.
Then, why do you have a portrait of Molly on the screenshot, you ask? What does this character have to do with your Identity? It's very simple.
Communicating with different characters, you show your character as he is. You build him with bricks. However, with all your "personal" character building, there are other people in the town of Akuṇagi, of course. Our novel is not a game where every NPC will adapt to you. Like Prise to the HOLY player! As a metter of fact, we can't see them as NPC for a while now. And… we are building World, and not your personal Castle here.People can disagree with you.
We have already talked about this several times. Your choices serve not only for you but also to show youre Identity to others. Thus, if our Molly receives a DP or TP answer from you, her reaction will not be the only one that has variations. She will make a certain conclusion about you, which can lead to a certain ending; include a romance with her or exclude it.
After all of the above, imagine that we are not talking about One Choice at all. We are talking about a whole series of choices and decisions, building a characters, and You as a Player in different routes for different people with… different reactions for youre personality and etc.
Finally, you can notice the black figure on the screens. These pictures symbolize personal routes in our graphs. Those routes that will be detached from the plot but will have an exclusively personal, not at all romantic Insides. Moreover, here I would like to add that the other routes are not necessarily romantic… By the way, it would also be necessary to remind you that such a system with the construction of the player as a person, characteristic points, and so on sets you for quite unusual goals. If in most other novels, you are used to achieving a route through labyrinths and solutions, then with us things are a little different. If you, say, love solitude (which you emphasize with your behavior in the novel), then it will be very easy to get to the route of a similar theme or a similar character. Something else will be difficult in this sistem.
Getting what you Really want.Do you know what it is?
I would be happy to teach you, but I have too many responsibilities . Moreover, I am looking for a programmer because I myself am not competent in this topic, as for BG arts - I don’t have enough time for them. If you want to learn, then you should take the appropriate courses, or at least start with learning on YouTube if you have problems with time or finances.
Pls don't flood here.
Today we will share with you our thoughts about how to eat your own tail.
This is more of a flood topic than anything else.
Oddly enough, we are still looking for a programmer. We met two more people, which brought the number of "was programmer" to "6". At this rate, the number of programmers that are left can even surpass the number of actors. It is the actors who most often abandon their work halfway. In particular, our voiceover is ready, and more than 20 people took part in it, but about the same number dropped out of the project for various reasons.
Before we move on to Ouroboros, who bites his tail in the person of our studio, let me openly list some of the problems that we had with programmers. Perhaps this information will be useful to young developers.
1) Our first programmer left in a very good spirit and even with a recommendation from the management. This young guy worked on the Renpay engine, but after a couple of days of work he admitted that he would not be able to implement what we had planned. Mainly due to lack of experience.
2) Our second programmer will receive the greatest honor. He worked on Unity, as we originally planned. We worked with him for more than a year, and it was this person who created the current alpha version. Unfortunately, it was not finished and took too long to make. The programmer left due to serious physical injuries.
3) The third programmer decided to take up the Renpay version again. Our studio is primarily interested in quality and giving people experience, so the engine itself is not so important to us. This was the first American we worked with. He himself offered his help, but a day later, after personal assembly instructions were written for him, he left. Oddly enough, both he and our management can be blamed for his departure. The man did not provide any results, but at the same time he managed to insult the administration. To make things less dirty here, we won't go into details. And the manuals that took us extra time for him will still be useful to us.
4) The fourth programmer left the most disgusting feeling behind. Whoever you work for and whoever you help, for money or for free, the worst thing you can do is leave your comrades in the dark. A certain "Thomas" who has been working on unity "for more than 20 years" took on the project, and even reported fixing one bug from the very beginning. We communicated with him for a week, and even tolerated his leisurely "work". However, in this week was his birthday aka minus three days, then our request to upload the project to Git and… the man simply disappeared. As a result, he did not do or give us anything. He still hasn't read the latest messages. It was terribly ugly jesture from his side.
Whatever happens, you need to have no respect for others and yourself, so as not to at least write "I will not do this". Communicate something to people, and then just remain silent, refusing to answer for your words. At best, this can only be forgiven for a woman. If you understand what I mean. A man, in my understanding, cannot allow himself such behavior. Running away from problems is low.
Whatever the reasons for his disappearance, it was somehow possible to warn us about it in advance.
5) Our fifth programmer promised to take on a project on Unity. The guy dreams of becoming a freelancer. Of course, we give a chance even to the most inexperienced people. This time it was a guy from India. We gave him a raw alpha version to test his abilities. Because of the way he communicated, it was clear in advance that the matter would not go far with him. But who knows? Maybe we were wrong. Instead of uploading the project to Git, the guy created a project on the Unity website itself and for two days could not upload the alpha even there (by the way, anyone can do this task, even without being a programmer). Then followed a long correspondence from the category
- Can you upload?
- I need pizza.
- Can you put the animation here?
- I need more time.
- Have you worked with GitHub?
- My name is Dickie.
And so on. This dialogue was more like mockery than work, I could hardly understand anything. I don't know why this person didn't find a job in his country or didn't learn the language properly, if he is looking for a job in it. In the end, we refused to work with him after a few days. The work had not even begun and it is impossible to communicate with such people.
6) And finally, our sixth programmer, he is just a kind 17-year-old guy who wanted to help, but refused when find out the scale of the work. We do not even have any complaints about him, let him gain experience and so on.
In the course of the above, I would like to write the following. Our studio has been working with people for more than five years now, but to this day we discover various… rather unusual and new things in this industry. The most important thing, of course, is the human factor. People want everything and for free. People do not like to work but want money. People do not like responsibility, but want to gain experience. People do not have knowledge, but take on overwhelming work. People are incompetent and ill-mannered. And, by the way, I am not saying this as something bad. It is rather natural.
If our studio were more competent, we would better filter out everyone who works with us. At the beginning of our work, we met many more such people, because the policy of "give everyone a chance" is more than humane.
We DO want to believe in people, and even we were once in the place of those from whom experience or impossible tasks were required. We were also not once told, that people would not give us work without experience. But today we are a little different.
Today, "Ray Out" gives everyone the opportunity to prove themselves. Even if it is difficult.
This evening, I logged into Steam and once again emphasized… how ambitious our project is with this novel.
People are doing great things with a much smaller scope and a much larger team. In particular, I came across a great novel and read about what it has. It literally says that it has more than 10 characters, 5 variations of endings, more than 20 backgrounds and no voice acting. This is a popular new novel like game, from a small studio of 10 people. It is completely 2D and side-view. It has no animation except for the animation of walking from right to left.
Now let's take our novel. We have more than 20 characters, we have more than 20 endings, we have more than 100 backgrounds, we have voice acting for everything including folklore, we have animation in the form of videos and so on. We have a menu wallpaper and the interface changes depending on different things. We have… oh, guys, do you understand what I'm getting at?
This is more than 10 times more material, with three times fewer people working on it. This is… An unbearable, I would even say heroic burden.
What was I thinking when I was planning such a large-scale and long-term project, with such a small team?
So, here comes the snake biting its tail. In the end, almost everything is ready for the novel except for the software part (PROGRAAAMERS! Why are they so Hard on us?), but we don't even have a working demo version on our hands.
While we are looking for a programmer, I have to think carefully about what's what. Maybe we don't have a large fan base, but nevertheless… perhaps we should finish the demo version, freeze the project until better times and make something smaller, or at least cut the volume of everything that is there in half.
Салют. Маловато информации. На каком движке специализируешься? Какого рода у тебя игра? Что для нее готово? Какой стиль ты хочешь сделать внутри игры? Какого она жанра? Готов ли ты присоединится к другому проекту?
Можно посмотреть ваше портфолио?
В общем, я художник, но ищу программиста в свой проект. Если интересно, сигнальте в тележку: https://t.me/nikitaveretencev
Dont know where to put it, so just left it up here. Dont trust this man, he taked some assets and just disappeared. Dont know what is the problem with Unity porgrammers, but it seems like they have a huge responsibility problem. This man with "20+ years of exp" throw in me a lot of promises and… thats it. Dont whant you to get in tuch with such people, so, here, take his phone nomber and be aware of him.
Still looking for a normal programer, who will not only talk.
Update 000.61 Big One
So, the first news on the agenda is that we have found a new Unity programmer. So far, he is only getting acquainted with the current work, but we have more hopes for him!
Next, we have a bunch of different news, most of which is related to updating the alpha and preparing material for the English version. We even prepared a few screenshots for you this time.
Actually, our lion's share of the work was previously done in Russian, and it will take a lot of time to transfer its core in to English. The first and second screenshots show an update to the trav map. It has everything that was there before, however, the interface itself has been updated, new areas and various little things have been added. For example, we decided to remove visible characters from this map for now, reduce the image with the location, and also add a new underline in the list of locations. It is unlikely that this is the final version, but it may well be.
The third screenshot is less interesting, but still extremely significant. Considering that the people who work for us disappear all the time (just like they do in Akunagi), the main artist now has to not only work on backgrounds, and game dev as a jhole but also polish those arts that… Not pleasing to God. If you know what I mean. The screenshot shows a rethinking of one scene. Roughly speaking, we throw away old arts and draw them in a new way, or just finish them. By the way, all the old stuff will most likely end up in the art book. Why not. So that any player, if they want, could see the evolution of our work. BTW we ARE looking for new Artists ofc.
The fourth screenshot shows a new portion of current work on the script. This is a very large and long topic, but in short - we are checking the script once again. We are talking here about chronology, grammatical errors and… most importantly - creating a map for the programmer. In simple terms, each game day goes through a kind of inquisition. For example, if the script says "I walked into the field and saw Matthew there," then we add a note to each such phrase. This note tells the programmer what the background is in this scene, what the music is, what the character is, whether he is animated and voiced, and so on. And that notes has direct name of the assets it self. A lot of work for a couple of people, but… JUST DO IT.
The last, no less important, screenshot is something like a heavy sigh. This is just the top of the folders with unique arts. Each of these arts was renamed for the new system, distributed for easy orientation, and so on.
So the backgrounds, unique arts, character sprites and absolutely all the necessary assets get a new name. This is a rather complex process, and perhaps it's even good that we finally got to the point where we can build it all in a smooth chain.
In addition, we recently demonstrated a "promo". This is a piece of a song from the opening, which was written exclusively for our novel. You can check it out on the "teasers" page on our wed site.
Our studio is doing a lot of other things at the moment, but I don't want to overload you with information either. Once again, I remind you that we are currently working with full enthusiasm (no money included) and we are actively looking for all interested individuals. Even if we can only offer you experience, nevertheless, if you are interested in developing novels - write to us! We are not a great studio that will require a lot of experience or skills from you. We are the same readers and lovers of Japan as you are. Any pair of hands, or a dollar can make a colossal contribution to the development. And if you do not want to help, then please at least share this post somewhere.
That's all for today. I'm not sure when the next update will be. For now, I personally pray that at least one programmer will finish the job and not run away like a scared little girl.
Well… it's time for another hot update.
People keep coming and going.
The main goal today is to find a programmer for Unity, since ours has been out for a long time due to a physical injury.
At the moment, there have been several reasons to abandon the project, but only weak and irresponsible people abandon things they have started, so we will continue working. We are ready to allocate at least several months to search for a programmer and possibly new staff. If it doesn't work out, then we will think about what to do next.
On the agenda is a kind of second, if not third wind. In fact, the novel itself is only waiting for the finalization of backgrounds, minor polishing and a programmer. It is kind of… ready, if you consider a bunch of music, pictures, text and so on as something ready. It needs only to be put together.
Abandoning the project, of course, is not relevant, considering how many people worked on it. Most even completed their tasks 100%, like editors.
We have an important issue with 18+ scenes, which we have returned to more than once, but it can wait. Adult scenes are like something cursed. Our scriptwriter wrote the entire script, items, folclore and one bed scene. Then an editor came and edited half the plot and wrote another bed scene. Then a second editor came, edited the entire script again and wrote another bed scene. Then a couple of actors voiced 18+ scenes for the demo version…
In other words, the script is completely edited, the arts for the adult scenes are ready, but out of the necessary 10+ scenes, there is a script for only 3. You can draw your own conclusions.
I would like to add just one more thing. Oddly enough… it looks like we will abandon the Japanese language, given the lack of resources, but at the same time we will return to the idea of voice acting in English (Surprisingly, there are not many programmers among the Americans, however, there are enough voice actors on enthusiasm).
The only problem is that not only has our work completely stopped because of the programmer, but we also need to prepare additional materials for this very voice-over. Just like we did for the Russian-speaking actors.
So, our studio has once again found itself in a rather difficult situation, where it is difficult to find responsible people. But that's okay. This is not the first and not the last time. If we have to postpone the release date for 5 years, we will do it, because we are not used to letting someone else's work go to waste. Today, we are not talking about us as a studio, but about those people who tried to give "Town" their voices, their songs, music, drawings, plot, atmosphere, and so on. It would be terribly selfish of us to close the project due to the loss of personnel.
In general, until a new Unity programmer is found, the work will slow down at least five times.
For Eng people
Greetings to all interested parties.
There will be quite a lot of text here, I hope there will be people who will understand me. If you are not interested in the details, then everything is quite simple. I cannot pay for your work, however, I can give you good experience.
At the moment, I desperately need the help of a Unity programmer and preferably a background artist to complete the development of the visual novel. The programmer will need to finish the demo version on the Unity engine, after which, I hope, I will finish everything else. My contacts are at the end of this post.
The background artist will have no less work to do, but we will discuss these details in person.
You can find out about the project at these two links.
For those who are interested in the details, here you go.
Work on the "Town" VN project began a long time ago. The project is almost three years old. It has not yet been released to the public for several reasons.
- Firstly, the novel is being created on an absolutely free basis. Therefore, everyone who worked or is working on it will not receive anything except experience until it is released to the public.
- Secondly, the project itself is quite strong with several original mechanics, fully voiced in Russian (and soon it may be in English)
- Thirdly, the game was planned to be released in four languages, of which only two remained. English and Russian
- Fourthly, the novel is being created in free of work time
- It is 18+ novel (No hard stuff, just hursh realism and psyhology)
In general, there are quite a few reasons why the novel has not yet been released, and the most important among them is, perhaps, the military conflict in the Slavic devs countries.
Over these three years, as a game designer, I have changed a lot of voice actors, three programmers, three singers, two composers, a couple of artists, two editors … and so on. It seems that people do not know how to work long and for quality, which makes me a little sad. But those who quickly give up never achieve anything.
I decided to create this topic after almost a week of thinking about the fate of this novel… a child of mine.
Let me tell you another few things… this game has a fully prepared soundtrack, songs for the opening and ending, a bunch of art and sprites, a script, (although only the first part of the script is in English, however, translating it is not a problem), the script in Russian has even been completely edited, individual animations, an interface, various menus and their components, voice acting in Russian, character animation and even progression charts, item descriptions, achievements for steam, and so on. (All abouve is unique. Originals. Things that ware made spesialy for Town VN)
I suppose if you have read up to this point, then you roughly understand how difficult it was to put all this together and make it, only to quit at one point because another programmer left.
I admit honestly, as a human being, I am terribly tired. I worked so long and hard on this project, and in fact I would have won much more if I had simply uploaded all my art, Ua and ect from this project to my portfolio, but... what about the work of other people? All those who worked on "Town"? Dont want to wast their time.
In general, this is probably the last place where I look for reliable people to finish this novel. If no one responds in a week, then well…I guess you need to know when to give up.
Usually I am very strict with people who abandon their projects unable to finish them, but this is my third project. Previus are done, althow they are somewhat diferent. Therefore, I am already inclined to think that diligence does not always pay off.
Anyway, you can reply here in this thread or by the contacts below. By the way, I am open to offers of work as an artist.
P.S. You might be wondering why so many people on the team change? It's a long story, but as an example, the programmer who worked on the novel the longest left due to a physical injury. Let's face it. Any manager will agree with me. People don't like responsibility and they don't like experience, they like money. And they often think that they should be paid money when they have no experience atl all. (Sorry if I offended anyone, but it's true)
For Slavic people
Приветствую всех заинтересованных.
Здесь будет довольно много текста, я надеюсь найдутся люди, которые поймут меня. Если же вас не интересуют детали, то все довольно просто. Оплатить ваш труд я не могу, однако, могу дать вам хороший опыт.
В данный момент мне катастрофически нужна помощь программиста на юнити и желательно художника по фонам для завершения разработки визуальной новеллы. Программисту нужно будет доделать демо-версию на движке Юнити, после чего, надеюсь довести до ума все остальное.
Художнику же по фонам предстоит не меньшая работа, но эти детали мы уже будем обсуждать лично.
Про проект можно узнать по эти двум ссылкам
Кому интересны детали, рассказываю.
Работа над проектом "Город" началась уже очень давно. Проекту почти три года. Он не вышел в люди до сих пор по нескольким причинам.
- Во-первых, новелла создается на абсолютно бесплатной основе. Следовательно, все кто над ней работал или работает, до выхода в массы не получит ничего кроме опыта
- Во-вторых, проект сам по себе довольно сильно несколькими оригинальными механиками, полностью озвучен на русский язык (а вскоре может будет и на английском)
- В-третьих, игра планировалась для выхода на четырех языках, из которых остались только два. Английский и Русский
- В-четвертых, новелла создается в свободное время, поэтому вполне очевидно, что за год ее никто не сделает
В общем, причин почему новелла еще не вышла довольно много, и самая важная среди них, пожалуй, военный конфликт в славянском народе
За эти три года, я как гейм дизайнер сменил массу актёров озвучки, три программиста, три певицы, два композитора, пару художников, два редактора... и так далее. Люди как будто не умеют работать долго и на качество, отчего мне немного грустно. Но те кто быстро сдается никогда и ничего не добивается.
Эту тему я решил создать после почти недельных размышлений о судьбе новеллы.
Чтобы вы понимали... для этой игры полностью готов саундтрек (оригинальная авторская музыка), песни на опеннинг и эндинг (также оригинальные авторские), куча артов и спрайтов, сценарий (правда на английском только первая часть, впрочем, перевести не проблема), сценарий на русском даже полностью отредактирован, отдельные анимации, интерфейс, разного рода меню и его составляющие, озвучка на русском языке, анимация персонажей и даже графики прохождения, описания предметов, ачивки для стима и так далее.
Полагаю, если вы дочитали до этого момента, то примерно осознаете как было сложно все это собрать и сделать, чтобы в один момент просто бросить из-за ухода очередного программиста.
Признаюсь честно, по-людски, я жутко устал. Я так долго и усердно работал над этим проектом, и на деле выиграл бы куда больше, если бы просто залил все свои арты из этого проекта в портфолио, но... а как же труд других людей? Всех кто работал над "Городом"?
В общем, пожалуй, это последнее место где я ищу надежных людей чтобы завершить эту новеллу. Если за неделю никто не отзовется, то что же... нужно знать, когда стоит опустить руки.
Обычно я очень строг к людям, которые бросают свои проекты не в силах довести до ума, но это уже третий мой проект. Прошлые были иного типа, но были завершены и принесли свои плоды, правда небольшие. А вот с третьим я уже склоняюсь к мнению, что усердие далеко не всегда окупается.
Как бы там не было, можете найти меня в этой теме или по контактам ниже. Кстати, я открыт для предложений работы в виде художника.
P.S. Возможно у вас возникнет вопрос, почему так много людей в команде меняется? Это длинная история, но как пример, программист работавший над романом дольше всех ушел из-за физической травмы. Посмотрим правде в глаза. Любой руководитель со мной согласится. Люди не любят ответственность и не любят опыт, они любят деньги. И не редко считают, что им должны платить деньги, когда у них совсем нет опыта. (простите, если кого-то обидел, но это правда)