I like the play style, but as other players have said, there isn't really any incentive to buy buildings or bribe citizens to move in as compared to playing with the stock market. I think having a goals play style would be nice. For example, beginner goals could be (1) open a business (2) gain 2 citizens (3) assign 2 citizens to a job... and so forth.
Option of more turns, or a larger turn rounds is necessary. It's very short for what it is right now.
The traveler that we have the option to help in the beginning should come back at some point. If you help, he rewards you. If you don't, XYZ.
More business variety. Options like lumber/stone mill, maybe having those unlocks other types of businesses like refineries and so forth.
Option to take out a loan(s) at fixed interest rates.
Option to build neighborhoods/apartments, could be rental income.
All in all I liked playing it! I'm gonna play around with this some more :-)