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Raymond Cripps

A member registered Sep 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts

The community has always been an integral part of Project Feline. Some of you may recall earlier in development I ran a public Discord server for fans of the game. This server quickly grew to many thousands of members, and community management and game development became increasingly difficult for me to balance. In 2021 I closed all public chats so I could have space to focus on my work. I have since used the server only to post news. However, I now understand for many it was disappointing to have the server taken away for it was the only place to talk about Project Feline outside of my YouTube channel. After careful consideration, I have decided to re-open the Discord.

Click to join!

Making a game single-handedly is a lot of work so I won't have a lot of time to chat, but there are many thousands of members there to talk to. I’ve set up text channels to discuss the game, speed-running, bug reports, let’s-plays, livestreams, and to post fan art!

I can't say at this time when you'll get to try a new version of the game. There are some complications behind the scenes, but I am still making steadfast progress. I am working on more devlogs to catch everyone up, for there are many developments (maps, systems, characters, scrapped content, etc.) from over the past year I have yet to share.

In the meantime, I am streaming live development on Project Feline Wednesdays-Fridays 2-5 AM UTC. I am currently building a new model and animation set for Gabi. That's her in the picture.

I invite you to join and to please respect the rules and keep things clean and civil.

Thank you. This was initially an unintended bug but I have noticed a lot of people seem to enjoy it. In previous versions of this prototype, Gabi's slide would overwrite her momentum with a new value. However, after I implemented Movement 2.0 the slide became additive to the character's momentum.

As it so happens, Gabi's momentum is most extreme right before landing from a moving jump, as the jump carries her forward X momentum while she gains extra momentum in the Z direction from falling. If she performs a slide right as she lands back on the ground from falling, that Z momentum from falling gets accidentally redirected into the slide mechanic and will theoretically continue to add to her momentum indefinitely when performed repeatedly. I guess I didn't catch this when I wrote the movement code, but I am flattered people are enjoying this 'feature' :)

Thank you!

Project Feline is currently in pre-production. No release date is planned to be announced until after the project has commenced production. Development progress is regularly documented on my YouTube channel, my last update was on October 31st. Visit the development roadmap for more information.

Please note that video games take time to develop. I am one person, not a triple-A studio, and I would greatly appreciate your patience.

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Please ensure that your hardware meets the minimum system requirements.

To activate DirectX 11 mode:

1. Right-click on Feline.exe in your Project Feline installation and click Create shortcut

2. Right-click on the new Feline.exe - Shortcut and click Properties

3. In the shortcut's Target: property, append the following line to the end of the directory (with spaces): "  -d3d11". Your shortcut Target should now look like this:

"[Your directory]\Feline.exe" -d3d11

4. Execute the shortcut for DirectX 11 mode

For the reasons discussed in this video, I will continue to use placeholder assets for the free public prototype builds. All final assets will be present when the game releases commercially.

Visit the development roadmap for more information.

Hi TurboTerra,

Update 0.9.3 has just been released containing improvements to various game modes and introducing a new race/time trail mode for the Interchange map based on communtiy feedback. A devlog covering the changes made will be published shortly to my YouTube channel.

Thank you once again Psychroclasm, great playthrough!

Thank you so much for the fan art!

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As a former Mac user, I sympathise with your grievances. Unfortunately, Apple make it difficult for developers to deploy on the MacOS platform. This is a request I will be looking into once the game has entered full production. You can visit the development roadmap for more information on future development goals.

Thank you for following Project Feline!

Thank you both for playing the prototype! I appreciate for the content disclaimer, very entertaining playthrough xD

Fantastic runs! Glad to see you back at it Psychroclasm! Be sure to submit these to the community-run leaderboards with this form.

Thanks for the feedback!


Thank you so much for the fan art!

Thank you so much for the fan art! This looks fantastic <3

Thank you so much for this wonderful fan art! This captures the detail and essence of the character really well <3

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you so much for playing! I'm really thrilled that you enjoyed the game and see promise in it :) Haha yeah there will be heaps to fix before the final release, I appreciate the time you took to provide your feedback. If you haven't already, you can follow my game dev journey on my YouTube channel where I post regular dev log videos discussing the game's development!

Thanks for the support!

Thank you! I really appreciate you watching man :)

I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoy my game, and I really appreciate the support :) Thank you so much for playing!

I post regular update videos on my YouTube channel if you want to follow the game's development.

Thank you! I can't make any promises, however I am trying to build the character in such a way where making skins would be possible.

The "bunny-hop" was an intended feature at one point, however I think many agree that it feels more like a bug than a feature. I'll get to work on fixing the continous grip. Thanks for stopping by to leave some feedback, I really appreciate it :)

Thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Please use the speedrunning thread to share speedrun playthroughs :)