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A member registered Oct 22, 2019

Recent community posts

Does anyone know how to increase Calebs like, and how to do the gloryhole scene?

Relieve yourself at your house

relieve yourself > Wolf

For some reason it’s not giving me the option to give supplies to the Infirmary. I have everything I need, but it only gives me the “Maybe later” option.

Thanks for yelling at people for how they choose to play a game. Fuck, I pay attention to the story and even I’m annoyed by this comment. Some times people just wanna get there rocks off

Hey, I was just wondering if you ever plan on adding sound to the game? If not, thats fine the game is still awesome, it’s just confusing cause theres audio controls.

I can’t wait! You’ve done an amazing job so far!

(1 edit)

I know this is technically my 4th comment, but I just finished the game(followed by a few tears, I won’t lie) and I simply cannot praise this game enough. The art, the story, the music, and the sheer emotion that it brings. I am absolutely in love with this game, and can’t wait to see what the other paths have to offer. 
I will be honest, I don’t think Diego can be replaced. You did a fantastic job of genuinely making me fall in love with this character and I really hope to see more of him in the future. That being said, I won’t let it stop me from seeing all this game has to offer(even the bad ending with Kyrex). Like I said, I cannot praise this game and you enough.

(1 edit)

Ngl, hearing that a part 2 of Diegos route may be a possibility  made my day so much better!! Best of luck to you and the rest of the developers/team for this game!! Can’t wait to see more!!

I’m nearly at the end of day 20 now and I am absolutely dreading it. I really really don’t want it to end😭

I really hope you keep up the great work!! It’s such a great story with such fantastic characters. I even started to like Kyrex at the end there.

I only just started this game(I’m on day 5 and I’m not sure how long it is, but I’m hoping) and I can say with complete honesty that it is one of the best story based games I’ve played. I am absolutely in love with all the characters so far(especially Diego, god he reminds me of my bf so much its adorable), and even the side stories suck me in. I can’t wait to see how for this game goes!! Great job!!

Side note: I haven’t checked who does the art, but I absolutely love it so far! It’s so cute and clean! Incredibly well done! I can’t praise this game enough!

keep up the great work!!